Thank you very much for your solution,Prof. Lucchetti. I will try to join  the data sets with your code. 
With best regards
Dhanasekaran K

On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 at 3:13 PM, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti <> wrote:
On 17/01/2024 12:34, Dhanasekaran Kuppusamy wrote:
> Dear Gretl community*,
> *                                          I have two datasets A and B.
> Both A and B have different variables but with common variable i.e. ID.
> I want to merge these two  data sets using ID as the common variable as
> given below : data set C. Thanking you in advanceI would be thankful for
> providing the solution. Note: A : Household data and B members data.
> Dhanasekaran K

Generally speaking, what you need is the "join" command.: assuming your
two example dataset are in gdt format (but csv would work just as well),
you can add the data from A to B via

open dataset_b.gdt
join dataset_a.gdt x1 x2 x3 --ikey=ID

Reformatting the data as you dataset C is less easy, since you can't
assume that each household has the same number of members. The following
example shows what happens if you set the maximum number of family
members to 3:

open dataset_a.gdt

maxn = 3

loop i = 1 .. maxn
     loop foreach j x4 x5
         sname = sprintf("$j_%d", i)
         join dataset_b.gdt @sname --data=$j --ikey=ID --aggr="seq:$i"

Having said all this, I'd recommend reading the Guide chapter titled
"Joining data sources".

   Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
   Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)

   Università Politecnica delle Marche
   (formerly known as Università di Ancona)
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