Dear all,


I am trying to load a bunch of data into gretl, with a structure similar to the attached files (time 1600), i.e. I have horizontal and vertical appending at the same time. I basically use a script that opens the first file (like parameters_1.tsv) and then via a loop appends all the other files. However, the horizontal appending works only for the first files (belonging to *_1.tsv) and even there not completely, afterwards a single entry is done for each file, with “missing” values. There is a common key in the first column, so I thought the “update-overlap” option should work (after the first record is complete (all 9 files above appended) and the first “item” of each record is added (see script attached). It does not, however….


PS: the “--quiet” option is not present in the tool-tip of “append”.


A WE is given with the script and the 18 files (first 2 records of my simulation experiment). The operation should lead to two records, but it ends up with 11… Take a look at the common key “ABMAT_ConfigID” to see what I mean with one glance, after you imported the data.


Any idea what I am missing?


Best Frederik