I'm agree with  “межквартильный размах” for iq range
Абсолютно согласен. Бройш прислас супер историю: на самом деле он Бруш, но на конферециях 
все назвали его "Бройш", читая фамилию по-немецки. В конце концов он плюнул и стал "дома Бруш, а на работе - Бройш".

--- Оригінальне повідомлення ---
Від кого: Andreï | Андрей Викторович <fifis.himik@gmail.com>
Дата: 10 травня 2014, 16:08:33

Confirmed, C.V. stands for “коэффициент вариации”.
The exact Russian translation of the short description for IQR (considering all the possible rules of abbreviation) should be the following:
разность между 3-м и 1-м квартилями
The word “перцентиль” for a percentile is incorrect, the correct one would be “процентиль”. However, it is somewhat cumbersome to think about quartiles in terms of percentiles, r-right?
By the way, the exact translation of “Interquartile range” does exist, and the most popular one is written like “межквартильный размах”.
I hope Oleg agrees with me, as well as my collegues from the HSE Dept. of Mathematical Economics and Econometrics.

As for the Breusch, I can confirm that “Бройш” is preferrable; the English pronunciation is “br-oy-sh”, like in “oyster”, therefore, the spelling “Бройш” is highly advised.

Yours sincerely,      | С уважением,
Andreï V. Kostyrka. | Андрей Викторович Костырка.
http://kostyrka.ru, http://kostyrka.ru/blog

2014-05-10 14:15 GMT+04:00 <oleg_komashko@ukr.net>:

I can fix some  bugs in Russian translation but I don't know if it's sensible

 in summary stats:
for C.V.  should be "коэффициент вариации" instead of "вариация"
"Interquartile range" (I spent some time when it was iq ratio) is untranslated
There is no special term, a short description is "разность между 75% и 25% перцентилями"

Breusch is "Бройш". Know it for sure: there are plenty Cyrillic  versions, so I wrote to Trevor (4 years ago,
writing a Cyrillic econometrics textbook)


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