Hi there,
I just notices that the tabprint command is not allowed in a loop
while outfile is.
Although my function also works with outfile txt files it would
make the code quite a mess since each command would have to occur
twice: one in the 'real' output and one for the outfile block.
Would it be possible to allow tabprint inside a loop?
The function computes the DIfference-In-Sargan test for two dpanel
models by reading out the (at the moment not via accessor
available) values.
Am 09.08.2013 12:37, schrieb Pindar:
In terms of my question I now found
an efficient way by using the tabprint command.
But perhaps a " Model1.print " syntax would be not that bad.
Anyhow, it's working now!
Am 09.08.2013 12:08, schrieb Pindar:
I would like to print in the icon window saved models with the
help of a UDF with an outfile --write command. The idea is that
the model is correctly specified and then the printing function
takes the name of the Model as argument and saves a txt file.
How could this be achieved?
Second, I noticed a small bug in the .show command as
illustrated below:
Names starting with numbers are allowed but fail with .show.
open data4-1
Model1 <- ols 1 0 2 3 4 --quiet
"Model 1" <- ols 1 0 2 3 4 --quiet
"Model 1".show
"1 a" <- ols 1 0 2 3 4 --quiet
"1 a".show