I would like to ask you for help with Gretl software. I am writing you with an problem which I face during making forecast / prediction. I estimated econometric model with one depended variable and four explanatory variables. Method of estimating was OLS or Cochrane - Orcutt (both with same result). When I try to make a forecast into the future (and Yes, I added new observations into the new data set) I am unable to forecast into the future.
Gretl notices: There are no observations available for forecasting out of sample. If you wish, you can add observations (Data menu, Edit data), or you can shorten the sample range over which the model is estimated (Sample menu).
The problem is that I have vacant places for forecast but the Gretl does not make it. When I put into the empty places any values (without sense for example 1, 2...) The forecast is made.
Do you have any procedure how to fix the problem? I tried this several times and there was no way how to do that. How can I make forecast without entering nonsense values just when I add new empty observations and I want to know forecasted values.
Thank you very much for your reply.
Ondrej Dvoulety
Mobil.: +420 728 431 027

Skype: ondradvoulety
Studeneves 98