Dear Gretl Community,

I would like to calculate the PPI inflation of the last 12 months. For this
task I'm using the following sript:

open fedstl.bin
data ppiaco
series x = ppiaco/ppiaco(-1)
series ppi_12_months = ((x(-11) * x(-10) * x(-9) * x(-8) * x(-7) * x(-6) * x(-5) * x(-4) * x(-3) * x(-2) * x(-1) * x) - 1) * 100
delete x
setinfo ppi_12_months -d "PPI accumulated in the last 12 months"

How can I make it more "elegant" (i.e "shorter")?

Best regards, 
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul