ohh, this time ok, I got it, Thank you very much I really appreciate for your help. 

On Monday, May 18, 2020, 10:33:33 PM GMT+1, Sven Schreiber <svetosch@gmx.net> wrote:

Am 18.05.20 um 21:40 schrieb Burak Korkusuz:
Yes, HARWEEK and HARMONTH variables refer to the past and they are already averaged weekly/monthly values. The thing is as a series I cannot pick up one-step-ahead forecasted values that is generated by re-estimated regressions. When I run, the codes generate a series has only 436th forecasted observation.

The below codes give output as I would like to do (one-step-ahead rolling windows forecasting) but I cannot save a series those one-step-ahead forecasted values.
set verbose off
loop i=1..100 -q
    smpl 23+i 335+i
    fcast 336+i 336+i

Well you can always use the $fcast accessor to get the result of the last fcast command. So before the loop create a variable to be filled, e.g. like this:

series pointforecast = NA

And then directly after the fcast line but still inside the loop you insert something like:

pointforecast[336 + i] = $fcast

This should give you the wanted series of 1-step-ahead rolling forecasts.



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