I have
a little feature request inspired by the new geomapping
function. Assume a spatial dataset including info from a shape
file. Now we can easily produce maps, but to carry out spatial
autocorrelation and spatial regression analysis we need a
spatial weight matrix. Considering that all the coordinates
info is included in the shape files, it would
be nice to be able to recover the coordinates of the centroids
of the units as an extra pair of variables. Then distance-based
spatial weight matrices can be easily constructed by the user
with his preferred formula (or using a contributed function
taking the series with the coordinates as inputs - I can
volunteer for that, it'd be at most 10 lines of code :-) )
Stefano Fachin
Professore Ordinario di Statistica Economica
Dip. di Scienze Statistiche
"Sapienza" Universitā di Roma
P.le A. Moro 5 - 00185 Roma - Italia
Tel. +39-06-49910834
fax +39-06-49910072
web http://stefanofachin.site.uniroma1.it/