Am 18.11.2020 um 14:39 schrieb Sven Schreiber:
I do think and agree that we should have more friendly tools to make
this switch easier. This doesn't have to be in core gretl in C, AFAICS,
packages written in hansl would do nicely.

Here's an initial example of the kind of helper tools I have in mind. The following function accepts the $system accessor bundle from an estimation with the 'var' command (plus an optional string for the name of the new system for the 'system' command) and spits out a string with ready-to-use code that will set up the equivalent 'system'. See below for a test case.

BTW, internal development note: It would be nice if the $system bundle saved by the var command also included a 'command' entry like a $model bundle does.

function string systemcodefromvar(const bundle varsysbdl, string sysname[null])
    # the following check is a workaround because the estimator isn't
    # currently stored in $system after 'var'
    errorif(inbundle(varsysbdl, "sysA"), "doesn't look like coming from 'var'")
    errorif(varsysbdl.ecm, "only works for plain VARs so far, not VECMs")    
    # let user override the default new system name
    string sysname = exists(sysname) ? sysname : "newsysfromvar"
    set verbose off
    string ret 
    outfile --buffer=ret 
        # the LHS of the system 
        printf "list sysendo = deflist(%s)\n", varname(varsysbdl.ylist)
        # lagged endogenous 
        printf "list RHS = lags(%d, sysendo)\n", varsysbdl.order
        # add the exogenous terms
        if inbundle(varsysbdl, "xlist")   
            printf "RHS = RHS || deflist(%s)\n", varname(varsysbdl.xlist)
        # add deterministic terms
        if varsysbdl.detflags[1]    # constant 
            print "RHS = RHS || const"
        if varsysbdl.detflags[2]     # trend
            print "RHS = RHS || time"
        if varsysbdl.detflags[3]     # seasonals (centered)
            print "RHS = RHS || seasonals(, TRUE)"
        # repeat the identical RHSs for the system 
        print "lists sysRHSs = array(nelem(sysendo))"
        print "loop i=1..nelem(sysendo)"
        print "  sysRHSs[i] = RHS"
        print "endloop"
        # the actual system formulation
        printf "%s <- system\n", sysname  # (could also add "method=ols" here)
        print "  equations sysendo sysRHSs" 
        print "end system"
    end outfile
    return ret
end function

OK, so using this function you can do for example the following:

# test case:
open denmark
var 2 LRM LRY ; IBO --quiet

string code = systemcodefromvar($system, "fancysystem")
print code

and then you can run this code directly, followed by a restrict ... end restrict block that was ultimately your idea if I understand correctly.

Again, this is just an example and obviously not fully automated and so forth. But maybe it's a base from which to start.

