Good evening,My name is Petru and I'm starting to use Gretl for the first time, attending an introductory course to Econometrics.I have found some problems when trying to use Gretl, version 2020d for MS Windows (x64 bit).When I tried the first time to download the data files used in Stock-Watson book Introduction to Econometrics from the server, as indicated by my lecturer (File --> Open data --> Sample file... --> Look on server), I have run into a bug that suddenly closes Gretl when clicking install without the possibility to
save the work done till that moment.I ran into the same problem also when trying to open any of the PDF help files.I have already deleted and redownloaded Gretl but the problem continues.I will be really grateful if I can have some indications about how to solve this problem.Petru Calenici
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