Em 15 de fevereiro de 2018, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti escreveu:
On Thu, 15 Feb 2018, Henrique Andrade wrote:
> Dear Gretl Community,
> I'm trying to replicate the results from Commandeur & Koopman (2007)
> (chapter 3, section 3.2, pp. 23-26) but I'm getting no success :-(
> Please take a look at the code I'm running (the .inp file is
> attached):
Convergence problems; try substituting the end of your script with the
/* maximum likelihood estimation */
"stochastic KSI" <- mle ll = ERR ? NA : kalman.llt
kalman.obsvar = var_irreg^2
kalman.statevar[1, 1] = var_level^2
kalman.statevar[2, 2] = var_slope^2
ERR = kfilter(&kalman)
params var_irreg var_level var_slope
end mle --lbfgs --quiet
loop foreach i irreg level slope
printf "var_$i : %8.6f\n", var_$i^2
Dear Jack, thanks a lot for your help!