by Michael Creel
Hello list,
A group of 5 professors has adopted gretl as the main program for teaching
undergraduate econometrics at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. In name
of the group, I'd like to say thanks for this great program. I imagine we'll
have some teaching resources to share at the end of this term. For now, I'd
appreciate receiving advice or pointers to resources involving gretl (other
than the data mentioned on the web site - already have that).
One question - is there some way to plot a single variable ordered by
observation number, when the variable is not a time series?
Regards, Michael Creel
20 years, 4 months
bootstrap with gretl
by denis lalountas
Hi all,
I am working on bootstrapping applications .It seems that is all ok.
Now I want to compare the actual type I errors of a traditional t-test and its bootstrapped version(Mackinnon -bootstrap inference in econometrics -Durbin/Godfrey t-test). For doing this I have to construct two nested loops.
I believe that Gretl has not the ability to do this . Is it possible to resolve this problem any idea?
Denis Lalountas
PhD candidate in Financial econometrics
University of Patras
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20 years, 5 months
bootstrap with gretl
by denis lalountas
Hi all,
I attached the command file for the bootsprap
Denis Lalountas
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20 years, 5 months
by Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza
I have taken a look at gretl 1.2.9 and first of all, I must say that I have
been playing with the new features (specially "linear restriction" tests) and
all seems to work well.
But I have also been checking some other features, and I detected a bug in
graphics. As you already know we may put three labels
into an already displayed graphic through the "graphic controller" of gretl
(right-clicking on the graph, selecting "edit"). This is working quite well
when I ask for a graphic of a defined variable, but if I run an OLS
regression and, from the menu of the model window, I select
"graphics-residual graphic vs time" I cannot put a label on this graph.
I run gretl from a console and when I click on the little mouse in the labels
dialog box, I obtain the error
"Couldn't get coordinates"
If I put manually two coordinates in the box, this is also not working,
nothing happens when I click on "apply". After two or three tries, gretl
Remember I am running gretl installed trhough the "generic" rpm over Linux
Mandrake 10.0
Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza
Dpto. de Economía Aplicada III (Econometría y Estadística)
20 years, 5 months