gretl 1.6.0-pre for OS X (Allin Cottrell)
by Florent Bresson
When will you release the 1.6 version please ? I'm
very busy now and I won't be able to work on the
french traduction till mid august.
I also would like to traduce in french the gretl
homepage, but I don't know anything about html. Would
it be possible for me to send just a raw text file ?
> I'm at last in a position to do a build of gretl on
> an
> up-to-date version of OS X (namely 10.4.6).
> Mac users: please find a 1.6.0 pre-release at
> This package us supposed to be independent of fink
> (though it
> was built with the help of fink). To give it a true
> test,
> therefore, it's necessary to mask fink, if you have
> it
> installed. On my system I do this with
> # prior to testing gretl
> sudo /bin/mv /sw /hidden-sw
> # then after testing gretl
> sudo /bin/mv /hidden-sw /sw
> There are also .dmg packages for X-12-ARIMA and
> ppc:
> --
> Allin Cottrell
> Department of Economics
> Wake Forest University, NC
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18 years, 6 months
Just a minor cosmetic issue
by James Wells
When I run a WLS regression with het-robust std. errors, and copy RTF, I get
Model 1: WLS estimates using the 49 observations 1-49
Dependent variable: depvar
Heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors, variant HC1Variable used as
weight: weightvar
It seems that there should be a newline between HC1 and Variable.
18 years, 6 months
Suppressing comand output in Gretl
by Johannes Fichtinger
Dear all,
just a simple question about text output of gretl:
The following script:
outfile temp.txt --write
printf "Model 1: R2 = %.8g, e2sum = %.8g\n", R2_m1, e2sum_1
returns in temp.txt:
? printf "Model 1: R2 = %.8g, e2sum = %.8g\n", R2_m1, e2sum_1
Model 1: R2 = 0.12531817, e2sum = 4512.596
How can I turn off the printing of the command line: ? printf ... and just see
the "real" output?
@ Sven Schreiber:
Thanks for your script, is working well!
Johannes Fichtinger
18 years, 6 months
Hello Group, On Shaza and other toos
I own several packages; Xplore, R, Gretl Omatrix etc, I am at the the
very basic level. It seems that the open source tools are quckly gaining
in capability. I stillsee estima and several others doing their thing.
What is the expected level of capabillity of Gretl in the area of times
series analysis lets say in a year??
Allan Bart
18 years, 6 months
Splash Screen Mark-II
by Talha Yalta
This is the second design that I came up with. I hope you like this
one. I can make small modifications very easily. What do you think?
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy
enough people to make it worth the effort. - Herm Allbright
18 years, 6 months
Exponential moving average
by Johannes Fichtinger
Hi all,
first of all thank you for this powerful und useful piece of software, its
Now I have a little question: I have a time series variable p and want to
creat a new variable called r with the exponential moving average of p, so
r = \alpha*r_{t-1}+(1-\alpha)*p_{t-1}.
Any idea how to create this r? Thanks a lot.
Mag. Johannes Fichtinger
Institute for Production Management
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
Nordbergstr. 15
UZA IV, 3. Stock, Kern A
A-1090 Wien
Tel.: +43/(0)1-31336-5626
Mail: Johannes.Fichtinger(a)
18 years, 6 months
The Splash Screen is here
by Talha Yalta
After some thinking and work, here is the splash screen that I came up
with. I didn't use the existing Gretel image but I think this also
looks good. Please tell me what you think about it. I am also sending
the full quality image as a png file to Allin's personal email. Please
let me know if it is filtered etc. If you insist on the previous
Gretel image, I can probably come up with something else featuring it.
However, I think most people cannot immediately associate that image
with Gretel.
Finally, I can make all sorts of tweaks and adjustments. Just tell me.
Jack says that:
>let's take the opportunity to make the splash screen
>informative, not just pretty. For instance, it could clearly and conspicuously
>display the version number, or the build date for the snapshot. Other info
>that may be useful are: plugins (tramo/x-12 on/off, gnuplot version used),
>total memory, CPU power in MIPS/flops and so on.
I totally agree. That is why I left the upper right part empty. This
will be filled by the program displaying the relevant information.
Again, I can change things to suit needs.
Have a great day...
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy
enough people to make it worth the effort. - Herm Allbright
18 years, 6 months
GUI modification...
by Mihai Nica
I would have a small question/request. Would it be much too difficult to somehow emulate the way eviews GUI allows one to transform data (make calculations) within the models themselves? [i.e. y c log(z/p) g/a b (c+b)
]. Frankly, the only reason I use R primarily (which is way beyond my needs aside the graphic capabilities) is that in gretl I have to transform data first and then run the analysis, and so on
Am I making any sense :-)?
Mihai Nica
ITT Tech instructor
Jackson State University
170 East Griffith St. G5
Jackson, MS 39201
Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs.Try it free.
18 years, 6 months
Forwarded message from Allan Bart
by Allin Cottrell
For some reason the following got posted to gretl-users-bounces;
I'm sending it on to the list. Anyone familiar with Shazam?
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 12:27:21 -0400
From: Allan_Bart(a)
To: gretl-users-bounces(a)
Subject: The practice of Economeytics Judge and Hill
I own this book and I was wondering if Gretl is up to
the state of Shazam of a couple years ago.
Allan Bart
18 years, 6 months
QR versus Cholesky decomposition
by Talha Yalta
Professor Cottrell:
During my testing of gretl using the StRD linear regressions test
suit, I found that QR decomposition performs better than the Cholesky
decomposition and sent you a pdf file containing a table comparing the
two methods. QR method mostly creates higher number of accurate digits
and is able to produce a solution for the Flip data set, where
Cholesky fails.
In the light of this evidence I wrote my paper and prepared the
summary tables assuming the new default for linear regressions would
be the QR decomposition. I see that the new snapshots still have
Cholesky as the default. If Cholesky will stay as the default in the
new version, please let me know so that I can update my tables.
I am attaching the pdf file containing the comparisons.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy
enough people to make it worth the effort. - Herm Allbright
18 years, 6 months