  • 16 participants
  • 20 discussions
Suggesting a new look for gretl.
by Talha Yalta
18 years, 6 months
note to translators
by Allin Cottrell
18 years, 6 months
settable variables
by Allin Cottrell
18 years, 7 months
Menu re-structuring
by Talha Yalta
18 years, 7 months
Re: [Gretl-users] Menu re-structuring
by Talha Yalta
18 years, 7 months
Testing the current CVS version
by Cristian Rigamonti
18 years, 7 months
gretl 1.6.0-pre for OS X
by Allin Cottrell
18 years, 7 months
Re: [Gretl-users] small bug
by Riccardo Jack Lucchetti
18 years, 7 months
Re: Bug in the Spanish version and ..
by Allin Cottrell
18 years, 7 months
translations and gretl.pot
by Allin Cottrell
18 years, 7 months
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