Gretl-Hansl "IDE" for Sublime editor
by Artur Tarassow
Dear all,
some weeks ago I've started to switch to the sublime editor
( for writing gretl code.
Even though I like the simplicity of the gretl editor and its features
such as syntax highlighting and auto-itendation, it lacks some features
of modern IDEs such as "goto-anything", "goto-definition", custom
keybindings, fancy themes, git-implementation, snippets etc. which make
life much easier when working on larger projects. Don't get me wrong,
the gretl editor is great but was _never_ supposed to become a proper
software-development IDE but rather has another focus which is totally fine.
So I started to write the "Hansl-Gretl-Language" package for sublime
which includes the following features:
- 3 gretl build-systems (client mode, batch mode, and REPL mode) for
executing hansl code by means of sublime (plots are also working!)
- syntax-highlighting
- completion of gretl commands, accessors and keywords
- some snippet examples for speeding up coding
The project still has the following (known) issues:
- no auto-itendation (still have to figure out how this works)
- issues with some corner-cases which are not syntax-highlighted (regex
can become so hard!)
The package can be downloaded through sublimes package control system,
and can be found here:
If somebody wants to participate on this project, check out the code on
my github repository:
For those interesting in the sublime editor, check out "OdatNurd"'s
brilliant tutorials on youtube:
Enjoy the package,
1 year
Network Field Technician
A Network Field Technician is responsible for network development and maintenance in the field for any organization. The individual works with the organization’s technical team and its clients to install, configure, maintain, and fix all LAN/WAN and other equipment issues, ensuring efficient network functionality.
The technician maintains computer equipment, mobile devices, phones, cabling, routers, switches, and printers, among others, to address all of the client’s networking requirements either remotely or at the clients’ premises.
Read More:
3 years, 3 months
New packages for autoregressive Probit and Hamilton filter
by Sven Schreiber
Hi everybody,
just a quick notice that recently two new contributed function packages
have seen the light of the gretl world:
- 'ARprobit', which implements the Kauppi&Saikkonen approach to estimate
a dynamic Probit model including an autoregressive term (in addition to
lags of the dependent dummy).
- 'hamilcycle', which applies the simple but already popular proposal by
Hamilton to do a regression-based filter of a time series to obtain a
cyclical component (based on an idea by Jack a year ago)
As always (sorry for being repetitive) you can get these and other
contributed packages online from within gretl ("fx" button at the
bottom, or through the menu File/Function packages/On server).
3 years, 6 months
issues with the graph
Dear All,
I have installed gretl on two machines (desktop and laptop).
Graphs in my desktop appear fine.
In my laptop there is an issue with the graphs. The scale of the axis is an issue with numbers being too big and the graph too small.
Is there anything I need to do to fix it?
I have tried the options from the preferences , default graph scale.
I have also tried uninstalling and re installing.
Thanks for the help.
3 years, 7 months
gretl virtual conference, June 3-4
by Allin Cottrell
Apologies if you get this more than once, but we wanted to reach
We've posted on this topic before, but here's a follow-up. The 2021
gretl summer (virtual) conference has shaped up quite nicely. We
hope you'll agree if you take a look at the program: see .
This will take place over Zoom, on June 3 and 4, and our license
restricts us to 100 participants. 40+ people have registered so far,
so if you're interested this would be a good time to go ahead and
sign up (no fee), at the site mentioned above.
For the gretl team,
3 years, 7 months
Invitation to join the gretl Association
by Sven Schreiber
Dear all,
it is a great pleasure to introduce the gretl Association to the gretl
community. (The official name is "gretl Association e.V." because it was
founded under German law and e.V. stands for registered association.)
The gretl Association is formally independent from the gretl project,
and so we have a separate initial website online here:
But of course we share the same spirit!
By browsing through the information on that web page you will see that
we already founded the association last year, but due to the pandemic it
took a while to get it up and running. Right now the elected
chairpersons are Artur Tarassow and yours truly.
Of course we welcome new members, so please consider if you could join.
Again, more information is on the web page above, but the most important
bit is probably that it costs €18 per year (or €12 for students). You do
not have to live in Germany (or have a specific citizenship), anybody
can join. Currently you can pay by bank transfer or via Paypal.
Also feel free to circulate this invitation in your networks.
Thank you and have a nice weekend
3 years, 8 months
the ketvals package
by Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
(with apologies for cross-posting)
Dear all,
I'd like to announce a new package, that's available on the gretl official
repository, written by Francesco Valentini and myself. It's called
"ketvals", and performs estimation of linear models with time-varying
parameters by using the non-parametric approach developed by Liudas
Giraitis, George Kapetanios and other co-authors.
Just to whet your appetite, I'm attaching one of the plots produced by the
package sample script.
Of course, comments are very welcome. Download and enjoy!
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)
3 years, 8 months
"Data Error" from kpss_test/adf_test C/C++ api
The following code produces this error "Data error"
int list[2] = {1,0};
int kpss_error = ::kpss_test(2,list,dset,OPT_N,prn);
if (kpss_error!=0) {
errmsg(adf_error, prn);
When I use the same data set in the GUI everything works just fine.
From what I can tell it seems like the problem is because of 0 in list[2] = {1,0};
or int list[13] = {12,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11};
Due I need to split the data set in half and have a data set with two variables were
one variable is the first half of the data and the second the second half of the data?
Because in using a dset with more than one variable and setting list[3] = {1,1} seems to work
The error comes from the following lines in (line 2097)static int real_kpss_test(int order, int varno, DATASET *dset,gretlopt opt, kpss_info *kinfo, PRN *prn)
(line 2114) if (varno <= 0 || varno >= dset->v) {
return E_DATA;
were varno is set at (line 2435) in the kpss_test(....) function
these are in adf_kpss.c
I also get the same error with ::adf_test(2,list,dset,OPT_N,prn);
were varno is set at line 2435 in the kpss_test(....) function
I also get the same error with ::adf_test(2,list,dset,OPT_N,prn);
Thank you
3 years, 8 months
gretl snapshots for macOS
by Allin Cottrell
A heads-up for Mac users. As you may have noticed, we've now figured
out how to "notarize", so as to suppress the warning from
Gatekeeper when you go to install gretl. That's nice, but
notarization requires in-person access to a recent Mac, which I have
only intermittently.
From now on we'll be sure to get official releases notarized, but
it's likely that most of our snapshots will not be notarized (though
they'll always be signed). If you know the routine to work around
Gatekeeper (see ), hopefully
that won't be a big problem.
At some point I may acquire a Mac, in which case we'll be able to
notarize snapshots too.
3 years, 8 months