wooldridge data
by Sven Schreiber
Hi all,
I just noticed that for the 2nd edition of Wooldridge's Introductory
Econometrics there's a gretlfiles.zip archive freely available online at
AFAIK however, these are not included directly with gretl, nor are they
on the database server. Any reason for this? License issues?
And for the current 3rd ed there are "only" ascii files, but also free
I'm thinking of converting them into native gretl files (maybe let
students do it as an exercise ;-). Again, are there any issues with
posting them online, or even including them with gretl? I mean they
didn't cook up the data, so it seems like public domain to me, but IANAL
(no lawyer).
18 years, 1 month
locale bug?
by Athanasios Kalogeresis
I just downloaded and installed the latest (12/29/2006) windows build. I ran
a VECM and saved it as an icon to the session, which I then saved. I then
closed gretl and double clicked on the session icon (both my dataset and the
sessions are stored on my usb flash) to get the following warning
g_locale_to_utf8 failed for charset 'CP1253'
after continiously clicking on OK I finally got a script window that was
illigible. When I closed it gretl was still on, however, my session had not
been loaded.
Trying to open my session through the gretl gui is more successful, since I
am able to see the session window and the datafile. However, double clicking
on the vecm icon crashes gretl.
Although I have repeated the above a number of times, I have not tried to
replicate it with some other dataset, but thought it would be useful to
CP1253 is windows Greek.
Dr. Thanassis Kalogeressis, Economist, Researcher,
Regional Development and Policy Research Unit (RDPRU),
Dept of Economics, University of Macedonia
18 years, 2 months
Strange bug in gretl 1.6.0
by Andreas Karlsson
I have encountered a strange bug in gretl 1.6.0: After estimating an
equation Y = a + b*X and trying to add a new variable Yhat =
$coeff(const) + $coeff(X)*X, the $coeff(var) command is not working
anymore (as is not, for example, $rsq and $aic either). However, this
same commands worked without any problems a couple of weeks ago, and
works fine with the Windows "snapshot" on
18 years, 2 months
Gretl and Greek Windows
by John Paravantis
Hello Tank and greetings from a fellow Greek!
Allin and all, recently (about two weeks ago) I have had the following
experience with one of my graduate students: I helped him install the
latest Windows gretl release on his brand new Toshiba laptop, only to
find out that no Excel files could be opened on his machine! We tried
different things, including moving Excel files to pretty clean directory
names (e.g. C:\here) to no avail. I was totally baffled and could not
explain what caused this behavior; my student eventually gave up on gretl.
THEN I realized his laptop came preinstalled with a *GREEK* edition of
Windows XP (SP2). Is yours too Tank (i.e. do menus and dialog boxes etc
all appear in GREEK)? If YES you may want to try installing gretl and
REPEATING the exact procedure on a machine equipped with plain vanilla
*English *Windows. My bet is that things will run smoothly. If so, could
you kindly report back to the group so Allin may look into it?
If my suspicion is confirmed, I will feel justified in advising friends,
colleagues and students to steer clear of Greek installations of Windows.
BTW a very happy new year to Allin and all esteemed members of this group.
Tank, feel free to contact me privately should I be able to be of any
John "Yannis" Paravantis
Lecturer, Department of Digital Systems
University of Piraeus
+30 210 4142771 office
+30 210 697 3048824 cell.
> Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 12:16:02 +0200
> From: "Athanasios Kalogeresis" <kaloger(a)gmail.com>
> Subject: [Gretl-users] locale bug?
> To: gretl-users(a)ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu
> Message-ID:
> <ddc3f8c0701040216k4991ed27l51379eda4459fdf9(a)mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi,
> I just downloaded and installed the latest (12/29/2006) windows build. I ran
> a VECM and saved it as an icon to the session, which I then saved. I then
> closed gretl and double clicked on the session icon (both my dataset and the
> sessions are stored on my usb flash) to get the following warning
> g_locale_to_utf8 failed for charset 'CP1253'
> after continiously clicking on OK I finally got a script window that was
> illigible. When I closed it gretl was still on, however, my session had not
> been loaded.
> Trying to open my session through the gretl gui is more successful, since I
> am able to see the session window and the datafile. However, double clicking
> on the vecm icon crashes gretl.
> Although I have repeated the above a number of times, I have not tried to
> replicate it with some other dataset, but thought it would be useful to
> report.
> P.S.
> CP1253 is windows Greek.
> Regards,
> Tank
18 years, 2 months
error with null list
by Sven Schreiber
Hi again,
the following looks like a bug in gretl's list command parsing:
? list a = null
Added list 'a'
? list b=null
Added list 'b'
? list c =null
'null' ist kein Name von einer Variable
? list c= null
'null' ist kein Name von einer Variable
(the last two messages are 'not a name of a variable')
18 years, 2 months
by enrico
Dear Sir
Johansen's test give me:
Analisi della cointegrazione
Test di Johansen
(Caso III: costante non vincolata)
Test L-max
Test traccia
H0: ipotesi di
66,0 [0%]
181,7 [0%]
Nessuna cointegrazione
43,7 [2%]
115,7 [0%]
1 equazione cointegrante
26,7 [29%]
71,9 [3%]
2 equazioni cointegranti
21,3 [27%]
45,3 [8%]
3 equazioni cointegranti
12,8 [49%]
24,0 [21%]
4 equazioni cointegranti
11,1 [15%]
11,2 [20%]
5 equazioni cointegranti
0,17 [68%]
0,17 [68%]
6 equazioni cointegranti
In parentesi quadra sono indicati i p-value
This is no cointegration H0: r=0
or only 1 equation cointegrated H0: r=1 ????
Why p value is zero for both cases?
You can think I'm a stupid ....
Perhaps I can't test H0: r=1, before accepted the hypothesis of r=0 ??
Thank you very
very much
enrico rivera
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18 years, 2 months
crash with printf
by Sven Schreiber
just got a crash with this error:
exiting on lex() error
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
The reason was a script line:
printf "seasonals = %1" seasonals
which I know is wrong but still shouldn't crash gretl :-)
This is a cvs build from last week or so on Ubuntu.
BTW, happy new year to everyone!
18 years, 2 months