RE: [Gretl-users] Request: options in reading excel data files
by Michael Boldin
Allin-- all is well with one GRETL install. The sheet and offset options
work as expected.
My minor complaints are
-- might be easier to remember offsets if they are --rowoffset and
-- if you offset into a blank area you get 'Unspecified error'
-- some might want to use sheet names, not knowing the OLE order.
-- the command log does not show the -- options, just
open "file.xls"
-- in the menu (GUI) import, I sometimes get a box saying 'No changes made'
at the last step. I think I know what this refers to, but it can be
-- if 2 or more open/imports are run in a series, the command log seems to
reset (empty) after each one. There are cases where keeping the command log
going to see all imports and 'run "file.inp" ' steps would be better for
debugging and documentation.
Otherwise, behaves perfectly.
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Boldin []
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 7:48 AM
To: 'Gretl list'
Subject: RE: [Gretl-users] Request: options in reading excel data files
>> In my first tests, the XLS imports worked with the different
>> --xoffset and --yoffset options. But I then tried a script with
>> --sheet=2 and this did not work
>What happened?
With the second (new) GRETL, I get either a MS Windows error, saying
' encountered a problem and needs to shut down'
whenever I import an .xls file or a Gretl box error 'First character of
varname (0x0) is bad (first must be alphabetical)'
>What has changed since you successfully imported using the
>--xoffset and --yoffset options?
Nothing I was aware of. I might have accidentally loaded the first Gretl
however, along with the new one. I tried re-booting with no luck.
>> Can I have two Gretl versions installed?
> No, that won't work. There will only be one set of registry
entries for gretl, so whichever was installed last will (I
suppose) be the only one to work.
Both seem to work in other respects (other than XLS importing) but I will
re-install only the new one and tell you what happens.
16 years, 8 months
Application of help
by Giogio Vignasli
Who can give me a help to interpret the non parametric tests of Gretl.
It deals with the verification of residues of regression. Is The succession casual?
Thanks of everything
George Vignali
Test of the successions (first differences)
Number of successions (R) in the variable 'uhat1' = 65Sotto
the null hypothesis of casualness, R follows N(53, 5,07445)Valore
zes = 2,36479, with p-value twos tails 0,0180403
Test of the successions (levels)
Number of successions (R) in the variable 'uhat1' = 49
Under the null hypothesis of casualness, R follows N(53,5, 5,09902)
Value z = 0,882523, with p-value twos tails 0,377494
Test for the difference between yhat2 and uhat1
Test of the sign
Number of differences: n = 105
Number of cases with yhat2> uhat1: w = 105 (100,00%)
Under the null hypothesis of equality, W follows B(105, 0,5)
Prob(W <= 105) = 1
Prob(W >= 105) = 2,46519e-032
Italian version
Test delle successioni (differenze prime)
Numero di successioni (R) nella variabile 'uhat1' = 65
Sotto l'ipotesi nulla di casualità, R segue N(53, 5,07445)
Valore z = 2,36479, con p-value a due code 0,0180403
Test per la differenza tra yhat2 e uhat1
Test del segno
Numero di differenze: n = 105
Numero di casi con yhat2 > uhat1: w = 105 (100,00%)
Sotto l'ipotesi nulla di uguaglianza, W segue B(105, 0,5)
Prob(W <= 105) = 1
Prob(W >= 105) = 2,46519e-032
16 years, 8 months
by geno
I'm working on ANOVA. I want put one way Anova and two way Anova to gretl.
I made first version of one way ANOVA. It is still test version, but
it's working.
You can download sources and test it.
I will be glad if you put ANOVA to gretl official version.
I added new option in menu MODEL.
screen 1:
This is the reult:
screen 2:
You can download source from address (gretl 1.7.3 with ANOVA) :
File with testing data:
16 years, 8 months
Dropping observations
by Daniel Arribas
Hi there!
Is there any command that allows the user to drop some special
observations (for instance, those smaller than say 1000) from the sample
you are using when running ols? I'd like to run several regressions on
the same sample, but each of them with a shorter collection of data
(dropping smaller observations more and more).
Thanks a lot,
Daniel Arribas
Department of Economic Analysis
Faculty of Business and Economics
University of Zaragoza (
Gran Vía, 2
50005 Zaragoza
Tel. 00 (34) 976–761-000 Ext. 4621
Mail: darribas(a)
16 years, 8 months
Promoting gretl to get more users and developers
Dear gretl users,
For gretl to continue to be developed and improved, it needs more people
contribution code to the project. This could to some part be done with the
help of user-written extensions in the form of add-on packages, as I have
described earlier (see
However, there is also a need for more programmers with knowledge of C that
can contribute to the project. To get these programmers, gretl has to be
more known, in order to attract more users, whith hopefully some of these
also being programmers.
Being an open source project that is developed on a voluntary basis, gretl
cannot afford to buy ads in econometrical or statistical journals to get
attention. However, there is a way to get attention: By people writing
reviews of gretl for these journals.
There have already appeared several reviews of gretl in
econometrical/statistical journals: Journal of Applied Econometrics (2003,
2006 and 2007) and Journal of Statistical Software (2008).
Any user who can write a review would contribute to promoting gretl.
The following journals publishes reviews of statistical software, and would
probably accept a review of gretl if someone writes it:
- The American Statistician:
- Computational Statistics:
- International Journal of Forecasting:
- Scientific Computing:
- British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology:
Probably also the following journal:
- Computational Economics:
I hope there are users that are willing to write reviews for these journals
and thereby contribute to promoting gretl.
If you cannot contribute code to the project, this is a way you can
Best regards
16 years, 8 months
Ralph M Rodriguez/PO/KAIPERM is out of the office.
I will be out of the office starting 04/14/2008 and will not return until
I will be out of the office on business from April 14 until April 16, 2008
returning to the office on Apr 17.
16 years, 8 months
Request: options in reading excel data files
by Antonello Lobianco
Hello all.. I'm wandering if it is possible or scheduled for future
releases to read Excel data files from the gretl command line with
option to specific the sheet name and with the option to read datasets
that are placed across rows instead of columns..
Antonello Lobianco
antonello a.t
16 years, 8 months
Use of sourceforge trackers
by Allin Cottrell
Hello all,
Just a brief word to the wise.
I'm happy to have people submit gretl bug reports and feature
requests via the sourceforge trackers, but...
If you're new to gretl and are not sure that you've really found a
bug, or if you're not sure that your feature request makes good
sense, or if there may be grounds for wondering if your feature
request might not in fact be satisfied already ... then please run
your idea by this list first (and then submit a tracker item as a
permanent reminder if need be).
It's not a big deal, but we've had some tracker items submitted
lately that really would have been better posted as queries to
this list.
16 years, 8 months
problem with matrix declaration from variables
by Franck Nadaud
Hello all, greetings from Paris !
I am currently working on my spatial scripts under win snapshot.
I have trouble with scripts that used to work properly. The problem is that I
cannot declare a matrix calling either a list or the variable references.
Here is what GRETL tells when I declare a matrix V4 = {13, 14, 15, 16}
variables 13-16 are intergers listing the observation number of each 4 nearest
neighbors for my 257 data points.
#list ppv4 = 13 14 15 16
#list ppv8 = 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
? matrix V4 = {13, 14, 15, 16}
Data types not conformable for operation
Error executing script: halting
> matrix V4 = {13, 14, 15, 16}
It used to work properly with the same script and data in an earlier version.
I wonder what is wrong, or may be I should declare my variables as descrete ?
Franck Nadaud
45 bis avenue de la Belle Gabrielle
94736 Nogent-sur-Marne Cedex
TEL 33-1-43-94-73-94
FAX: 33-1-43-94-73-70
MOB: 06-07-39-92-75
16 years, 8 months