Loops again...
by Mariusz Doszyń
Hello again...
I've got one more question with respect to my previous e-mail....
I've got 32 variables for 16 objects (2 for each of them) and want to use such a pairs of variables [1;17], [2;18], [3;19], ..., [16;32] to make some tests and computations.
Why the following script doesn't work?
loop for i=1..16
adf 2 $i $k --c --test-down
kpss 2 $i $k --trend
coint2 1 $i $k
vecm 1 1 $i $k
Best wishes...
Szczecin (Poland)
16 years, 9 months
by Mariusz Doszyń
I've got 32 variables for 16 objects (2 for each of them) and want to use such a pairs of variables [1;17], [2;18], [3;19], ..., [16;32] to make some tests and computations. I've written a script but still wondering if there better possibility to do this.
loop for i=1..16
loop for k=17..32
if k-i=16
adf 2 $i $k --c --test-down
kpss 2 $i $k --trend
coint2 1 $i $k
vecm 1 1 $i $k
What do you think?
Best wishes...
Szczecin (Poland)
16 years, 9 months
Bug Reports and SPAM
by Stefano Balietti
I'm still getting replies from sourceforge about an old bug report
(gretl-Bugs-1929957) which is now closed and fixed. These replies
contain only spam messages. Does that happen to anyone else? What can
be done to solve the issue?
16 years, 10 months
Ralph M Rodriguez/PO/KAIPERM is out of the office.
by Ralph.M.Rodriguez@kp.org
I will be out of the office starting 05/06/2008 and will not return until
I will be out of the office on business from May 6 until May 7, 2008 and
PTO from May 8 to May 9 returning to the office on May 12, 2008.
16 years, 10 months
matrix indexes question after sort
by Franck Nadaud
Hi all, greetings from Paris !
I am still developping my spatial tools under gretl, but I have a difficulty
with some matrix functions. My code is an adaptation of the "brute force"
find_neighbor of James LeSage.
Let me explain, I am given a list of coordinates for my data (spatial X and Y
location coordinates). The function is to find the k nearest neighbors of each
of my N data points.
The function computes for each of them a distance to all the others, then i
call a sort command to order the distances from smallest to largest to finally
extract the k smallest distances i am interested in (starting from line 2 to
k+1 because the lowest distance is zero, ie: the shortest distance to data i
is itself !).
Well, my problem is that I do not see how to grab not the values of sorted
distances but the indexes of data points. Here is the code :
matrix xc = X_COORD
matrix yc = Y_COORD
scalar n = rows(xc)
### i fix the number of near neighbors to 4, a typical value (rook neighborhood)
scalar m = 4
### I create a list of indexes of each of the 4 nearest neighbors set to zero
matrix nnlist = zeros(n,m)
### I added this dirty trick to keep track of the indexes I want to sort with
### the distances:
matrix idx = transp(seq(1,n))
### the main (brute force) loop
loop i = 1..n --quiet
matrix xi = xc[$i,1]
matrix yi = yc[$i,1]
matrix dist = sqrt((xc-xi*ones(n,1)).^2 + (yc - yi*ones(n,1)).^2)~idx
matrix xind = sort(dist[,1])
matrix nnlist[i,1:m] = transp(xind[2:m+1,1])
end loop
### I display the results to see the results
As you can see, I compute a matrix dist holding distances concatenated with
indexes. Then i sort the distances and store them into the matrix xind. The
problem is that, I am not interested by the distances, but the indexes of the
units but xind only returns a vector of sorted distances and not the indexes.
In fact i would be interested in just extracting the values of indexes in the
sorted dist matrix. I do not understand how to use the command sort for
any advice ?
thanx & cheers
PS: a text file with my (X,Y) data
Franck Nadaud
45 bis avenue de la Belle Gabrielle
94736 Nogent-sur-Marne Cedex
TEL 33-1-43-94-73-94
FAX: 33-1-43-94-73-70
MOB: 06-07-39-92-75
16 years, 10 months
time series models
by Irma Hernandez
I am a new user of gretl and I installed the package but I am interested in
fitting a GARCH model and it seems these models are included in Time Series
models. It seems that the Time Series models is not active how can I install
16 years, 10 months
Re: [Gretl-users] time series models
by andreas.rosenblad@ltv.se
The time series models is active when the data set is a time series data
set. From Data > Data set structure... you can change the structure of the
data set, if it is not a time series already.
Best regards
irma.hernandez(a)gmail.com @ INTERNET skrev 2008-05-06 08:16:41 :
> I am a new user of gretl and I installed the package but I am interested
> fitting a GARCH model and it seems these models are included in Time
> models. It seems that the Time Series models is not active how can I
> it??
> Thanks
> Irma
> _______________________________________________
> Gretl-users mailing list
> Gretl-users(a)lists.wfu.edu
> http://lists.wfu.edu/mailman/listinfo/gretl-users
16 years, 10 months
variable names
by Stefano Balietti
Is there a way to know the name of a variable at a given position in a list?
Obviously I don't have the ID of the variable. I knew the command:
argname( variable) but it isn't working, it returns an empty string.
16 years, 10 months