gretl Conference 2009 2nd announcement
by Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza
gretl Conference 2009
Bilbao, may 28-29
Dear colleague:
Some time ago, some users of the gretl Econometrics package e-mail list
mentioned the possibility of promoting a first international meeting of gretl
users. At the same time, one of the ideas that we had and that should be also
promoted in this meeting is that it should also contribute, in a relevant
manner, to the scientific development, and that it should also be a forum in
which the use of free software is also advocated. Finally, with the valuable
support of the School of Business Administration and Economics, the
Department of Applied Economics III (Econometrics and Statistics), and the
ERG research group, all from the University of the Basque Country (Bilbao,
Spain), and also from the gretl development team, a small group of professors
have decided to take this initial idea into practice and, thus, organize such
an important event. This meeting will have the usual structure a scientific
meeting has and it will take place at the School of Business Administration
and Economics of the University of the Basque Country in Bilbao, Spain, on
May 28-29, 2009.
The scientific programme will include several invited sessions organized by
the original gretl developers and, in addition, there will be one invited
session with a talk given by Prof. D.S.G. Pollock, and several sessions in
which authors interested to contribute will have the opportunity of present
either an oral or a poster contribution. Topics of interest for this sessions
- Teaching Econometrics and Statistics using free software
- Implementation of some Econometric techniques in gretl
- Methodological papers with a strong computational emphasis
- Applications using gretl
- Developing gretl
The web site for the conference is at
Important dates:
Submission Deadline: January 15, 2009
Notification to Authors: February 27, 2009
Registration Deadline: April 30, 2009
Conference: May 28-29, 2009
We encourage gretl users to participate in this first meeting so that we all
can contribute to the expected success of the event. At the same time, we
would like to ask you to pass this announcement to all people that you may
consider have some interest in the use and advantages of this econometric
Best regards and see you in Bilbao!!
Local Organizing Committee
gretl Conference 2009
PD: At the same time, If you would like to collaborate in announcing the
conference. We prepared a poster announcing the meeting, that you may
download at
and a "Call for papers" which is at
Please, feel free to print them and put them at places where interested users
from your institution may read them.
You may also help sending this message to the lists or colleagues you
Thank you for all your help.
Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza
Avda. Lehendakari Aguirre, 83 | 48015 BILBAO
T.: +34 946013732 | F.: +34 946013754
16 years, 3 months
Eviews to Gretl modelling issues
by Carl Gustave Konijn
How can I model this Eviews system of simultaneous equations in Gretl? I
have trouble modelling the parameter restrictions....
system syscymaym4
syscymaym4.append CYMAY= C(1)+ C(2)*D_1+ C(3)*D_2+ C(4)*D_3+C(5)*D_4
+C(7)*D_6 + C(8)*D_7 + C(9)*D_8 + C(10)*D_9 + C(11)*D_10 + C(12)*D_11 +
C(13)*D12 + C(14)*TTMMAY_X1 + C(15)*TMMMAY_X2 + C(16)*TMMMAY_X3 +
syscymaym4.append C(2)+ C(3)+c(4)+ C(5)+C(7)+C(8)+C(9)+C(10)+
Thank you.
16 years, 3 months
Data Handling Problems (Mac OS/X) - Correction
by Henrique
Hi people!
I'm trying to modify a .gdt file (deleting some series and including the
first difference in the others). Everything works fine, but when I try to
save the changes gretl shows me the message:
*/Users/henrique/gretl/Base de Dados (Dissertação).gdt~:Illegal byte
But when I change the names of the files (without any
Portuguese-Brazilian symbols, like "ç" or "~") it works fine. What's wrong?
Does gretl doesn't accept signs?
P.S.: In the first message I wrote *Base de Dados (Dissertação).gdo*, but
the correct is *Base de Dados (Dissertação).gdt.*
16 years, 3 months
Panel data models with fixed effects...
by Mariusz Doszyń
In Gretl 1.7.7 while estimating models for panel data with fixed effects there is a constant (common for all objects) and (not directly visible) individual effects. As I remember in previous versions constant didn't apear. To estimate individual effects shoud I sum up (common) constant and individual effects?
Best wishes...
16 years, 3 months
Problem with panel data...
by Mariusz Doszyń
I've got a problem with import of panel data containing informations about seven variables for 33 countries for 12 years. According to Gretl User's Guide I've prepered data in such a way that variables are 'below' each other. I've got stacked cross sections for 12 years where at the beginning we 'pretend' that pieriods are variables (file with a data is attached). To make from this 'real' panel data for given variables I've written such a script:
genr c=stack(v1..v12) --length=33
genr o=stack(v1..v12) --offset=33 --length=33
genr i=stack(v1..v12) --offset=66 --length=33
genr m=stack(v1..v12) --offset=99 --length=33
genr y=stack(v1..v12) --offset=132 --length=33
genr r=stack(v1..v12) --offset=165 --length=33
genr p=stack(v1..v12) --offset=188 --length=33
setobs 33 1:1 --stacked-cross-section
Something is wrong because names of observations (countries) which are wrongly linked to a numerical data...
Thanks for help...
Best wishes...
16 years, 3 months
Data Handling Problems (Mac OS/X)
by Henrique
Hi people!
I'm trying to modify a .gdt file (deleting some series and including the
first difference in the others). Everything works fine, but when I try to
save the changes gretl shows me the message:
*/Users/henrique/gretl/Base de Dados (Dissertação).gdo~:Illegal byte
But when I change the names of the files (without any
Portuguese-Brazilian symbols, like "ç" or "~") it works fine. What's wrong?
Does gretl doesn't accept signs?
16 years, 3 months
Periodogramm and spectrum are not working
I just tried the Ramanathan dataset data9-7 (and also s.
For example, I get the following error message asking for the spectrum
of the "price" variable in the shell output:
stderr: '
set yrange [0:722,922]
"/home/artur/.gretl/gpttmp.hF1ZA6", line 18: expecting ']'
gretl_errmsg: '
set yrange [0:722,922]
"/home/artur/.gretl/gpttmp.hF1ZA6", line 18: expecting ']'
Failed command: 'gnuplot "/home/artur/.gretl/gpttmp.hF1ZA6"'
get_png_bounds_info(): failed
stderr: '
set yrange [0:722,922]
"/home/artur/.gretl/", line 13: expecting ']'
gretl_errmsg: '
set yrange [0:722,922]
"/home/artur/.gretl/", line 13: expecting ']'
Failed command: '"gnuplot" "/home/artur/.gretl/"'
GError details from gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file
message: 'Bilddatei »/home/artur/.gretl/gretltmp.png« enthält keine
domain = 1691, code = 0
Asking for the periodogramm of the "price" variable I got this output:
stderr: '
set yrange [0:1339,23]
"/home/artur/.gretl/gpttmp.1B2weX", line 18: expecting ']'
gretl_errmsg: '
set yrange [0:1339,23]
"/home/artur/.gretl/gpttmp.1B2weX", line 18: expecting ']'
Failed command: 'gnuplot "/home/artur/.gretl/gpttmp.1B2weX"'
get_png_bounds_info(): failed
stderr: '
set yrange [0:1339,23]
"/home/artur/.gretl/", line 13: expecting ']'
gretl_errmsg: '
set yrange [0:1339,23]
"/home/artur/.gretl/", line 13: expecting ']'
Failed command: '"gnuplot" "/home/artur/.gretl/"'
GError details from gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file
message: 'Bilddatei »/home/artur/.gretl/gretltmp.png« enthält keine
domain = 1691, code = 0
If you cant replicate this, it might be a problem of my configurations.
On Tue, 16 Sep 2008, Allin Cottrell wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Sep 2008, t.artur at wrote:
> > I just downloaded and installed the new gretl version (1.7.8)
> > via cvs on my ubuntu 8.04. I tried on various files to open the
> > spectral analysis or periodogramm, but gnuplot fails to show any
> > picture...
> Thanks for the detailed report. I'll investigate. In the
> meantime, I should say that the use of "" is a
> work-around for features missing in gnuplot versions lower than
> 4.3...
OK, I've now investigated, using gnuplot 4.2 as supplied in Ubuntu
8.04. I can't replicate the problem, asking for the periodogram
for variables in the Ramanathan dataset data9-7.
Could you please give an example of a variable for which the
periodogram graph gives an error? Thanks very much.
Allin Cottrell
Gesendet von freenetMail-
Mehr als nur eine
16 years, 3 months
Re: [Gretl-users] ANOVA
geno83(a) @ wrote 2008-04-17 19:12:44 :
> Hello
> I'm working on ANOVA. I want put one way Anova and two way Anova to
> I made first version of one way ANOVA. It is still test version, but
> it's working.
> You can download sources and test it.
> I will be glad if you put ANOVA to gretl official version.
Very good. ANOVA is one of the features I have missed in gretl. I hope that
you will continue to contribute code to gretl.
Best regards,
16 years, 3 months
Periodogramm and spectrum are not working
I just downloaded and installed the new gretl version (1.7.8) via cvs on
my ubuntu 8.04. I tried on various files to open the spectral analysis
or periodogramm, but gnuplot fails to show any picture.
The first error says something like this: "The picture file
/.../.gretl/gretltmp.png contains no data
Otherwise, the text output seems to be ok.
This is the shell output:
Failed command: '"gnuplot" "/home/artur/.gretl/"'
GError details from gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file
message: 'Bilddatei »/home/artur/.gretl/gretltmp.png« enthält keine
domain = 1547, code = 0
best regards
#adBox3 {display:none;}
16 years, 4 months