gretl with R, panel data
by Bruno Thiago Tomio
Please, check this:
Erro em read.table("C:/Documents and Settings/Bruno Thiago Tomio/Dados de
aplicativos/gretl/Rdata.tmp", :
'row.names' duplicados não são permitidos
Durante a inicialização - Warning message:
Setting LC_CTYPE=pt_BR failed
I get this error when I try to start R thru gretl with panel data. Any
Thanks in advance,
Bruno T. Tomio
15 years, 2 months
Jmulti and GRETL
by Charles Koss
I am learning Jmulti and was wondering if I can make the computations
and pass the results to GRETL for the graphs? the graphs in Jmulti do
not look good!
Has someone done that?
15 years, 2 months
how to extract observation label from a string table archive
by Leandro Zipitria
I have a simple question. I have some database wich observations are names.
When Gretl opens the database, it change the names to numers, and generate a
string archive.
Now I want that each time I run a regresion, or restrict the sample, to get
the original name for the observations.
I think I should tell Gretl where the string archive is, but I do not know
how to do it.
Could someone tell me how to extract the string from an archive?
Thanks a lot,
15 years, 2 months
Perron test for unit roots in GRETL
by Charles Koss
Hello GRETL users:
Is there an implementation of the Perron test for unit roots in GRETL?
on the menu, I see the following tests adf, adf-gls, and KPSS. The
Perron test is not in the menu; are there reasons for not using it?
15 years, 2 months
how to extract observation label from a string table archive
by Leandro Zipitria
Each time I have observations with names, Gretl creates a string_table.txt
archive. Now I want to print the name of the observation, that is to extract
the observation name from the string_table.txt that match the variable name.
Could you please guide me on how to do it? I have read all the manuals but I
still have no idea.
Best regards,
15 years, 2 months
Gretl, R & OS X
by Henrique
Dear Gretl community,
I can't start R from Gretl (Menu -> Tools -> Start GNU R) on
my Mac (Snow Leopard). The command to launch is "xterm -e R". What's
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
15 years, 2 months
How to build file with labels?
by Hebert Suárez Cahuana
I want to assign labels to my data, in /Data/Add label.... How build file
that contain labels?
Hebert Suarez Cahuana
Hebert Suárez Cahuana
Secretario Académico
Escuela Profesional de Economía
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín
Av. Venezuela S/N Cercado
Telefono 51 54 215105
E-mail: hsuarezc(a)
Nota de confidencialidad: Este mensaje está dirigido únicamente a su
destinatario. Si usted no es el destinatario, se le agradecerá que lo borre
sin copiarlo. La correspondencia electrónica es personal, por lo que su
distribución a terceros sin la explícita autorización del autor es
incorrecta y no se debe realizar. Gracias.
15 years, 2 months
ADF test: tau statistic
by Charles Koss
I am running a ADF test for a time series, what is the test statistic
tau? I understand that the null hypothesis is rejected when the
comparison is made with the critical values.
estimated value of (a - 1): -0.0673784
test statistic: tau = -1.63219
10% 5% 2.5% 1%
Critical values: -2.89 -3.19 -3.46 -3.77
Charles Koss
15 years, 2 months
Problem on Graphs in Gretl, windows XP
by Hebert Suárez Cahuana
I have two questions, I had install gretl 1.8.6 in Windows XP, but I can't
create any graphs, Gretl crashes. Which is the problem?
Must I to install any aditional package?
Hebert Suarez Cahuana
Hebert Suárez Cahuana
Secretario Académico
Escuela Profesional de Economía
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín
Av. Venezuela S/N Cercado
Telefono 51 54 215105
E-mail: hsuarezc(a)
Nota de confidencialidad: Este mensaje está dirigido únicamente a su
destinatario. Si usted no es el destinatario, se le agradecerá que lo borre
sin copiarlo. La correspondencia electrónica es personal, por lo que su
distribución a terceros sin la explícita autorización del autor es
incorrecta y no se debe realizar. Gracias.
15 years, 2 months