Mac install
by Alan G Isaac
I'm getting a few reports of install difficulties on the Mac.
(I'm trying to gather details.) Known issue?
Alan Isaac
15 years, 2 months
Eviews Import - a bug report
by Ofer Cornfeld
I'm working with GRETL 1.84 CVS.
I have noticed that when importing EViews file the sample range is set
incorrectly when first quarter in the year is the third.
I have attached an EViews 6 file ranging 1980Q3 - 1982Q3.
An import will set the Gretl range to 1980:1 - 1982:1 incorrectly.
With kind regards,
15 years, 2 months
Can gretl allow to save lists for future use
by YiMin Chen
Dear Developers,
I am new to this great econometric software. Its list function is very
useful, obviously an edge over the EViews' Group function. It will be even
more useful if gretl provides more ways to create and manipulate lists, and
most importantly, can save the lists in a file and can be retrieved for
future use. I do not know how much work it needs to add such capacity to
gretl. Is there anyone interested in adding such capacity to gretl?
Beast regards,
YiMin Chen
15 years, 2 months
A critical bug and a feature request
by Talha Yalta
I have a bug report and a feature request:
1)- When I open a saved model (OLS) based on a sub-sample, I see that,
when running various tests, the original subsample is not always
remebered. For example, I have a model saved as an icon which uses the
variables 1-90. When I open the model with the full range restored,
White's test, BP and Chow tests for example remember the subsample
while RESET and normality of residual tests don't. Here, RESET test
returns 1.8e+308 while the normality of the residual window reports
using the observations 1-350 instead of 1-90 (although the results
seem to be correct).
Moreover, instead of full range, if I use another range, say 91-150,
White's tests and others also seem to return misleading output or
error messages such as "missing values encountered" or "Insufficient
data to build frequency distribution for variable uhat7." I think it
is very important that all tests avaliable for different models are
checked for this type of problem. One more thing to consider here is
that it is possible (as probably should be) to change the sample range
while a model window is open and doing this also causes the above
errors so this situation should also be taken into account.
2)- It would be really neat if there is an option for the model table
that makes it possible to set the number of digits or decimal places
for the coefficients as well as se's and whether t stats will be shown
etc. For example, I have a table with 8 models which could be much
smaller if I show 3 digits.
Also related, the LaTeX output for the model table uses hardcoded
\footnotesize commands for each standard error value. If I need to
make the whole table smaller, these remain unchanged resulting in a
weird looking table. Of course I can fix this by using the find and
replace command of the editor but I think it would be neat if there
was an option for the model table for setting table size, keeping
everything nice and proportional.
“Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far
more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting
moment.” - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
15 years, 2 months
A few more bugs/feature requests
by Talha Yalta
I have a few more bugs/feature requests:
1)- The LaTeX output for the summary stats table uses commas as the
decimal seperator even when gretl is in English mode.
2)- The LaTeX export option for the summary stats table is at least as
useful as the model table option. Consequently, I think summary stats
table can use some improvements just as the model table had a few
weeks ago. In particular, it would be nice if we had the option to
choose the significant digits etc. In addition, it would be very neat
if we can choose which stats to show and if we want to have a wide
one-part table (For example I want to have a one-part table just
showing mean, median,, min and max but it would be very
difficult to reformat the current table for this)
Quick note: Don't you think that the above improvements along with the
other recent improvements in model table output as well as the new
gnuplot options prove how gretl is becoming more and more research
oriented? This is simply great :-)
3)- I don't know if we already have this but how about putting in some
code that will create a massive botnet from thousands of gretl
installations across the globe, which can be used subsequently to send
emails etc. promoting free and open source software and openness,
transparency an replicability in doing research in economics? On
second thought... Well OK forget about this one ;-)
A. Talha Yalta
“Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far
more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting
moment.” - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
15 years, 2 months
by Kehl D ániel
Dear List-members,
I have a question concerning Chow test and a cross-sectional database. Is it possible to test a series of observations somehow? Isn't it possible to do a test like QLR for time series? The observations have to be in ascending/descending order, and one could say the largest F value of the Chow test is at observation X. Does this make sense at all?
15 years, 2 months
R-squared and the constant term (OLS)
by Henrique
Dear Gretl community,
I'm estimating some OLS equations that don't have a constant term,
so, the R-squared needs to be adjusted, ok? What do you suggest? I'd
realized that EViews automatically adjusts the R-squared when the constant
term is absent (but the User's Manual doesn't tell how).
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
15 years, 2 months
gretl server down
by Allin Cottrell
Sorry folks, but the server that does gretl databases, function
packages and snapshots,, is down at present.
It's a "virtual server" run by our IT department and it was
compromised (hacked). I don't yet have an estimate of when it
will be back online. I'll try to make some temporary arrangement,
at least for hosting the Windows snapshot; I'll post again when I
have that done.
Allin Cottrell
15 years, 2 months
saving gretl graphs as EPS or PDF
by Allin Cottrell
This message is in response to a posting Sven Schreiber made to
the gretl-devel list (see
and the thread titled "plot export problems with pdf"), but I
thought the reply might be of general interest.
Now (in CVS and Windows snapshot) when you choose Save as EPS or
Save as PDF from gretl's graph popup menu you get a dialog box
which lets you fine-tune the appearance of the graph for the
particular output type. You can select the size, the font,
color/monochrome, and a "line width factor". A line width factor
of 1.0 leaves the lines at their default width for the given
output type, but if you think this looks too fine you can make
them heavier by specifying a higher value.
You also have a preview button which lets you see the graph on
screen in its target format. For this to work for EPS you'll
obviously need to have a PostScript viewer in place. (On Linux
there's Preferences item to identify the program you want; on
Windows and OS X we leave that to the operating system.)
Also, if you actually save a graph via this dialog, the dialog
settings will be remembered (i.e. if you go to save a second graph
the settings from the first will appear as the defaults.)
Allin Cottrell
15 years, 2 months
graph output
by Alan G Isaac
1. Is it possible to output a graph to file
from the gretl console? (I understand I can
show the graph and then right click it. I'm
looking for a command.)
2. Is it possible to output graphs to arbitrary
locations? (They always end up in my working
directory, even if I give a fully qualified path
3. It would be nice to be able to use an existing
graph object and output to file. E.g.,
g1.output c:\temp\temp.png
Apologies if I'm overlooking the obvious. I've been
away from gretl for awhile.
15 years, 2 months