on gnuplot command
by artur bala
I'm not sure what's going on there, but i'm using the following gnuplot
line command inside a function. The plot comes out like a beauty but
gretl pops an error message "Failed to parse gnuplot file".
By the way, can someone tell me how to break the following command into
2-3 lines (I tried with "\", "\\","/","//" with no success :(
gnuplot 5 4 --matrix=my_data --with-lines --suppress-fitted {set title
'Lorenz Curve'; set grid; set yrange [0:1]; set xrange [0:1]; set xlabel
'percentage of cumulated population'; set ylabel 'percentage of
cumulated income'; show xlabel; show ylabel}
13 years, 4 months
fixes for contributed .gfn function packages
by Allin Cottrell
In preparation for the gretl 1.9.6 release I've been checking
all the contributed function packages on the gretl server, and
have corrected a few errors or not-quite-right things in the
following packages.
DST_test.gfn: fix the include path for the .gfn file in the
sample script; remove bad URL from help.
growth.gfn: allow data periodicity other than annual.
HoltWinters.gfn: delete a stray ";"
ModRS_test.gfn: supply a working sample script.
moran.gfn: make the dataset available for the sample script.
SETAR.gfn: make the dataset available for the sample script.
sols.gfn: fix a list definition.
summary_ts.gfn: fix a list definition.
VSG_test.gfn: correct the sample script.
Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University, NC
13 years, 4 months