Examples of Gretl scripts
by Carlos Andrade
Dear All,
Where to get examples of Gretl scripts for different types of analysis?
Prof. Carlos A. S. de Andrade
LAPEA - Laboratório de Pesquisa em Economia Aplicada e Engenharia de
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande.
Centro de Humanidades
Unidade Acadêmica de Economia
11 years, 10 months
dummify with list and script output window
by Pindar
I noticed that between command and function is a major difference:
dummify dList -> works with a list
dummify(dList, NA) -> only one series accepted
In terms of the script output window I think what would be a
nice-to-have is the option that as soon as output is added the window
goes to the front.
This is not always intended and could be annoying, but sometimes
(especially if one likes the eval command) this would come in handy.
12 years
Problems running Gretl on Mac OSX Lion
by Mirko Weber
Hello Community,
i have some problems running Gretl on Mac OSX Lion. I have Intel i5 Macbook Pro from 2011 and I followed all the steps on
including the installation of GTK+ Framework and the the steps given in the README.pdf. When i wanted to open Gretl in the normal Applications Folder it gives me the Message:
"You can´t open the Program "Gretl", because it is not supported by your type of Mac"
(Because I´m from Germany i had to translate the error message, so it might look slightly different on english)
I definitely downloaded the gretl version for intel macs and the right GTK+ Framework (I did it several times to be sure as it did not work) and as my Os is Lion, X11 was already installed. So i followed the Trouble-Shooting section in the README.pdf an executed Gretl manually via X11 xterm. Then this error-message appears:
dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../lib/libgmp.3.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/Gretl.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gretl_x11
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/Applications/Gretl.app/Contents/Resources/bin/../lib/libgmp.3.dylib: file too short
/Applications/Gretl.app/Contents/Resources/bin/../lib/libgmp.3.dylib: file too short
Trace/BPT trap: 5
I tried to find answers in the previously discussed problems on running Gretl on mac, but i did´t find anything that worked for me!
Thanks for your answers and greetings
12 years, 1 month
gnuplot issue with histogram
by artur tarassow
Hi gretl-list members,
actually this is a gnuplot issue but I thought that somebody may help me
with this.
I set up a function (see file attached) to plot some barplots but it does
not work as it is planned. I have a matrix
A = { 1999, 2.2, 3, 2 ; 2000, 2.8, 1.1, 2 ; 2001, 3, 2.2, 2; 2002, 2.2, 3,
2 } for which I want to plot columns 2 to 4 for each year but at the moment
only column 2 is plotted.
I suspect to the problem being with the following line in the code:
printf "plot '-' using 2:xtic(1) ti col, '' u 3 ti col, '' u 4 ti col\n"
I tried different ways but for some reason columns 3 and 4 don't appear .
Does anybody have an idea what's wrong with the code here? I am using
current CVS on windows.
12 years, 1 month
I am a new user to gretl system
by Nabil Brandl
I tried Gretl system and I impressed for the results. I compared Gretl
system with SAS statistics package. I used SAS in 30 years and I want to
learn how make my own gretl program. I used SAS for scientific purpose and I
intended to use gretl system in scientific purpose. I did experiments in
using image analysis to estimate animal weight, using the relationship
between weight and body area from above. I run my data by gretl system and
found the same results as in SAS system.
Best regards and keep inc touch
Nabil Brandl
<http://nabilnabil.homestead.com/> http://nabilnabil.homestead.com
nabil brandl
12 years, 1 month
It is easy to make program in Gretl
by Nabil Brandl
I found that it is easy to make program in Gretl system. It is more easy
than SAS system. When I write Gretl script, I use help to find the right
Here is the result of my program weightarea.gdt
gretl version 1.9.11
Current session: 2012-12-31 12:38
? open e:\weightarea.xls
Listing 7 variables:
0) const 1) weight 2) area 3) length 4) width
5) hightf 6) hightb
? summary weight area
Mean Median Minimum Maximum
weight 212.50 212.50 25.500 399.50
area 4640.8 4640.8 550.60 8731.0
Std. Dev. C.V. Skewness Ex. kurtosis
weight 110.34 0.51926 -5.0141e-021 -1.2005
area 2413.5 0.52006 2.2017e-015 -1.2005
5% perc. 95% perc. IQ range Missing obs.
weight 39.250 385.75 192.50 0
area 851.35 8430.3 4210.5 0
? print "weight area dataset"
weight area dataset
? print weight area
Full data range: 1 - 69 (n = 69)
25.5000 31.0000 36.5000 42.0000 47.5000 53.0000 58.5000 64.0000
69.5000 75.0000 80.5000 86.0000 91.5000 97.0000 102.500 108.000
113.500 119.000 124.500 130.000 135.500 141.000 146.500 152.000
157.500 163.000 168.500 174.000 179.500 185.000 190.500 196.000
201.500 207.000 212.500 218.000 223.500 229.000 234.500 240.000
245.500 251.000 256.500 262.000 267.500 273.000 278.500 284.000
289.500 295.000 300.500 306.000 311.500 317.000 322.500 328.000
333.500 339.000 344.500 350.000 355.500 361.000 366.500 372.000
377.500 383.000 388.500 394.000 399.500
Full data range: 1 - 69 (n = 69)
550.600 670.900 791.200 911.500 1031.80 1152.10 1272.40 1392.70
1513.00 1633.30 1753.60 1873.90 1994.20 2114.50 2234.80 2355.10
2475.40 2595.70 2716.00 2836.30 2956.60 3076.90 3197.20 3317.50
3437.80 3558.10 3678.40 3798.70 3919.00 4039.30 4159.60 4279.90
4400.20 4520.50 4640.80 4761.10 4881.40 5001.70 5122.00 5242.30
5362.60 5482.90 5603.20 5723.50 5843.80 5964.10 6084.40 6204.70
6325.00 6445.30 6565.60 6685.90 6806.20 6926.50 7046.80 7167.10
7287.40 7407.70 7528.00 7648.30 7768.60 7888.90 8009.20 8129.50
8249.80 8370.10 8490.40 8610.70 8731.00
? ols area 0 weight
Model 1: OLS, using observations 1-69
Dependent variable: area
coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value
const â7.15455 7.27347e-013 â9.836e+012 0.0000 ***
weight 21.8727 0.000000 7.189e+015 0.0000 ***
Mean dependent var 4640.800 S.D. dependent var 2413.507
Sum squared resid 5.13e-22 S.E. of regression 2.77e-12
R-squared 1.000000 Adjusted R-squared 1.000000
Log-likelihood 1739.390 Akaike criterion â3474.781
Schwarz criterion â3470.312 Hannan-Quinn â3473.008
Nabil Brandl
<http://nabilnabil.homestead.com/> http://nabilnabil.homestead.com
12 years, 1 month
(no subject)
by artur tarassow
Hi gretl prorammers,
despite the fact that I activated "set warning off", I receive the message
"No observations would be left!" after selecting an obviously non-existing
panel data sample.
Actually I would expect no message at all in this case. Is this intended,
or a 'bug'? It is a bit annoying as it appears in the txt-output using the
'outfile' command.
12 years, 1 month
Re: [Gretl-users] Thanks on Allison's alternative Hausman test / No joy on PCSEs
by Clive Nicholas
> On Thu, 27 Dec 2012, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti replied:
> [...]
> > When you write restrictions for the "restrict" command, no coefficients
> must
> > appear on the right-hand side of the equality. This is stated in the
> > documentation.
> >
> >> Test statistic: F(3, 1016) = 3.27298, with p-value = 0.0205637
> >>
> >> This test would appear to comprehensively reject the RE model in favour
> of
> >> retaining the FE model. Or does it? Is this an acceptable test in place
> of
> >> the Wald test for jointly equal parameters that I can't run in -gretl-?
Allin Cottrell wrote:
> I'd just add to Jack's reply: this _is_ a Wald test for
> jointly equal parameters (the F-form of the test). If you
> multiply the test statistic by 3 and refer it to the
> chi-square(3) distribution you get the same p-value as given
> above.
Excellent stuff - I thought I was on the right track! Nice to be able to
deploy some correct logic for once.
Thanks for pulling me up on not reading the documentation, but in my
defence: (a) I've only just installed -gretl-; (b) it's Christmas, so I've
not had much of a chance to peruse what is a very large users' guide; and
(c) I did look at the program help on restrictions (although clearly
they're not as comprehensive as that laid out in the guide).
If I may, I had another quick query about panel-corrected standard errors.
I'm delighted you've included them in -gretl-, but I've had no luck in
fitting any fixed-effect models with PCSEs (N=47, T=36, NT=795, with ten X
variables; all bar the first and last of the time dummies were included;
there was no lagged dependent variable). Every time I do, the model does
run, but with the message "Could not compute Beck-Katz errors". I'm sure
the reasons for not doing so are valid, but no reason was given at all. Why
is this? Also, which standard errors are reported instead?
Thanks again. :)
Clive Nicholas (clivenicholas.posterous.com)
[Please DO NOT mail me personally here, but at <clivenicholas(a)hotmail.com>.
Please respond to contributions I make in a list thread here. Thanks!]
"My colleagues in the social sciences talk a great deal about methodology.
I prefer to call it style." -- Freeman J. Dyson
12 years, 1 month
gretl and R crash
by Pindar
Hi there,
in order to perform a cluster analysis I tried the R connection with
'C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.2\bin\i386\Rgui.exe'
'C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.2\bin\i386\R.dll'
gretl does send the data set, however when running
'end foreign' gretl crashes with the message: "Fatal error: unable to
open the base package"!
I'm using the snapshot on Windows 8.
12 years, 1 month
on the summary command
by Pindar
while working on my MANOVA function I realized that the build in command
'summary' could be easily used for (at least) some
steps for this analysis if it's output would be accessible. At the
moment it's not, right?
For this purpose something like
'mySummary <- summary varlist --by=series' should work. At the moment
'mySummary' is saved, but nowhere visible.
The --by=series could be improved by --by=varlist. However, looping
through 'summary' would do also.
I also now looked up the function packages and found 'meansby' and
I should have take a look earlier :-) Well, why not integrating such
useful functions into the 'standard' commands/functions?
12 years, 1 month