Re: [Gretl-users] Repeated observations in Panel Data regression
by Beatrice Benavidez
Dear Gretl Users,
I have a question regarding repeated observations in Panel Data regression.
I have observations for January to December for 3 years so I have 3 January
observations, 3 February observations, 3 March observations etc. I would
like to find out the time fixed effects of January through to December.
However, when I put this into Gretl, it recognizes all this as (3x12)=36
different time periods. How can I get Gretl to process this as only 12
different time periods?
Thank you.
Kind regards,
12 years, 11 months
Thanks for help with asymmetric ECM and a couple of new problems
by Hanne holopainen
Hi again,
I did it ! I managed to make an asymmetric ECM with Gretl on the basis of
help got through this email-list. Thanks for everybody who answered to my
messages !
Now I am wondering, if there is in Gretl some special features created for
trend-stationar variables ? In some other econometrical programmes there
are automatic differences in modelling systems, if variables turn out to be
trend-stationar, but from Gretl I have not managed to notice them. Of
course user has to know what kind of models are suitable for his/her data,
but while working frequently with trend-stationar series I have begun to
think, if Gretl had something "extra" to offer in this kind of situations.
12 years, 11 months
Info on interpolating data
dear people,
I have to make a research where the most of the data I
have are about 1937 base year while two data left are not.
How can I
interpolate these due data left shifting them to a 1937-base year?
Invita i tuoi amici e Tiscali ti premia! Il consiglio di un amico vale più di uno spot in TV.Per ogni nuovo abbonato 30 € di premio per te e per lui! Un amico al mese e parli e navighisempre gratis:
12 years, 11 months
Slightly off topic questions
by Data Analytics Corp.
I currently teach econometrics at Rutgers where I use Gretl for lab
assignments. I may have the chance to teach an economic forecasting
course in the Fall and if so, I want to use Gretl there also. I have
two questions. First, does anyone have any experience using Gretl in an
economic forecasting course that they would be willing to share
experiences or know of a course that I can use for ideas? Second, does
anyone know good book for such a course? Any input is appreciated.
Walter R. Paczkowski, Ph.D.
Data Analytics Corp.
44 Hamilton Lane
Plainsboro, NJ 08536
(V) 609-936-8999
(F) 609-936-3733
12 years, 11 months
Default size
by clarodina clarodina
How to change the script input window default size and script output window
default size
12 years, 11 months
temporal disaggregation of time series on Gretl
Dear people,
I had some data in month or annual frequency...Do you know
in which way I can obtain them in a quarter frequency?
Invita i tuoi amici e Tiscali ti premia! Il consiglio di un amico vale più di uno spot in TV.Per ogni nuovo abbonato 30 € di premio per te e per lui! Un amico al mese e parli e navighisempre gratis:
12 years, 11 months
Asymmetric ECM with Gretl, is it possible ?
by Hanne holopainen
Hi everybody !
I am a beginner as a user of Gretl and I would be very pleased if someone
could help me with a few details. Especially I am interested in
possibilities offered by Gretl to make an asymmetric error correction
model. I have not been able to find a way to divide my data, or in fact
explanatory variables, on the basis of their sign (positive/negative), so
that both positive and negative values of them would be in the model at the
same time . Is it possible in Gretl at all ?
12 years, 11 months
Unable to import excel file
by Bulent Erdemir
Can't read date column into gretl. I've read the manual, formatted the
column as gretl would expect (file is attached). But when I want to read
the file I receive and error message saying "can't make sense of the extra
It seems, gretl sees the internal excel date value which is a number
representing the date value as the number of days since 1/1/1900 (A serial
number 1 represents 1/1/1900 internally in Excel).
Tried many variations with no luck.
Assuming this might be due to local regional settings (which were Turkish)
having different date formats, I switched to English (USA) settings and
tried, but did not work.
Any ideas ?
Bulent Erdemir
12 years, 11 months