SVAR documentation
by Allin Cottrell
Gretl users on MS Windows (Vista or higher) may have found that the
Help button in the dialog box for Jack Lucchetti's "SVAR" addon
(structural VARs) failed to open the PDF documentation.
The reason for that is a long story, but the short version is that
we didn't reckon with the "virtualization hack" introduced with the
new MS security model in Vista. Due to this, some files could end up
installed in strange places, where gretl lost track of them. Anyway,
this is now fixed in the current gretl snapshot.
If you're having that problem, we recommend updating to the
snapshot. You may also have to uninstall and reinstall the SVAR
package. You can uninstall under /File/function files/On local
machine; you can reinstall under /Help/Check for addons.
Allin Cottrell
12 years, 9 months
(no subject)
by artur tarassow
Dear gretl users,
I am struggling with the following problem:
set echo off
set messages off
open denmark
list ttt = LRM LRY
scalar vars = nelem(ttt)
varnames = varname(ttt)
loop i=1..vars #I need to run a
loop over the sequence 1 to vars...
print "$i" #because
simply assume I want to print number $i
sprintf astr$i "%s", varnames($i) #And I need to generate a
string astr$i with the name of the i'th series in list ttt, but I dont know
how to access it
printf "%s", @astr$i
I already know how to obtain a string with the variables name using the
'foreach'-loop but this does not help in my case:
set echo off
set messages off
loop foreach i ttt
sprintf astr "%s", "$i"
print astr
Does anybody know a solution to this issue?
Thanks in advance!
12 years, 9 months
Invalid option '--sheet' using the append command
by artur tarassow
Dear gretl team,
Using the latest cvs I've got a problem with the 'append' command. I want
to append data from an excel-file where I specified the sheet by
'--sheet=1'. This worked well with previous versions but not with current
cvs (on windows as well as linux) anymore. The error message I obtain is:
" Invalid option '--sheet' "
12 years, 9 months
difference between SVAR and VAR IRFs
Dear All,
I have a question, which probably you will find stupid..
have to study the structural shocks to output for changes in government
spending and taxes in the Normandy Invasion of WWII (period identified
by dummy variable) and computing the consequent multipliers.
multipliers it is not a problem since they are linked with the VAR
coefficients but for IRF...which ones do I have to check?
saying,..the option for IRFs in the standard Vector Autoregression is
anyway based on the Cholesky decomposition but IRF obtained in the SVAR
are different: so which one do I have to choose and why?
Thanks for
attention and help!!
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12 years, 9 months
Feature Request: Secure Proxy
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Gretl Team,
Is it possible to have secure proxy authentication in Gretl? Is this a hard
task in terms of coding?
12 years, 9 months
Simple question
by Marcin Błażejowski
Is there any way of decide (within a script) if we run gretl_x11 or
gretlcli mode? Any accesor, function or sth...?
Marcin Błażejowski
GG# 203127
12 years, 9 months
Upgrading to Windows 7
by Frank Benford
Hello gretl community. I'm running gretl on a Windows XP machine and am
contented. My computer guru suggests that I upgrade to Windows 7, and says
that all of my software will transfer seamlessly. Although I'm sure she's
right about a lot of my software (MS Office, for example), I'd like to be
assured that I'll have no trouble reinstalling gretl. What has been your
experience with an upgrade like this?
If you know, I'd like the same assurances regarding Exp, MatLab, R, and
Thanks, Frank Benford
12 years, 9 months