Examples of Gretl scripts
by Carlos Andrade
Dear All,
Where to get examples of Gretl scripts for different types of analysis?
Prof. Carlos A. S. de Andrade
LAPEA - Laboratório de Pesquisa em Economia Aplicada e Engenharia de
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande.
Centro de Humanidades
Unidade Acadêmica de Economia
11 years, 10 months
How to install Gretl on Slackware 14
by Carlos Andrade
Hello, Friends of the list.
I installed Slackware 14 on an old PC. I wonder how to install gretl version
Olá, Amigos da lista.
Instalei o Slackware 14 em um PC antigo. Gostaria de saber como instalar o
Gretl versão
Prof. Carlos A. S. de Andrade
LAPEA - Laboratório de Pesquisa em Economia Aplicada e Engenharia de
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande.
Centro de Humanidades
Unidade Acadêmica de Economia
11 years, 11 months
the aggregate() function
by Allin Cottrell
There was some interest expressed here lately in the business of
"aggregating" some variable of interest "by" the distinct values of
some (discrete) variable -- e.g. finding mean income by gender or
In response to this, we added the aggregate() function (it's in CVS
and the snapshots for Windows and OS X). Now I've extended the
functionality of aggregate(); the new stuff is not yet documented in
the Function Reference but I'd like to explain what we've got and
invite comments.
First, in the current doc, the "x" and "byvar" parameters must be
(single) series, but now they can be either single series or named
lists of series. If you give "x" as a series you get extra columns
to the right, holding the aggregated values of each of the members
of x. If you give "y" as a series you get a multi-level "by". The
number of rows in the output matrix is then the number of
combinations of the distinct values of the "byvar" variables.
Second, we've added a column to the output matrix (between the
"byvar" values and the aggregated "x" columns) showing the count of
observations associated with each (combination of) "byvar" values.
It seems to me this would be useful, but what do you think?
Third, when we allow more than one "by" variable a new policy
question comes up: what do we do about combinations of by-values
that are not actually found in the dataset (count = 0)? Either we
skip such combinations, or we explicitly show a count of zero, and
fill out the aggregated-x columns with NaN (not-a-number). I'm
inclined to think it might be helpful to show the zeros explicitly,
and so that's what we do right now, but again I'd like to hear what
people think.
Example script using the new functionality:
open pizza4.gdt
series ages = age<=20 ? 0 : (age>20 && age <=40) ? 1 : 2
list Y = female college ages
list X = pizza income
matrix m = aggregate(X, Y, mean)
print m
(BTW you can find pizza4.gdt via google)
Allin Cottrell
11 years, 11 months
odd behaviour saving file
by Billiejoe Charlton
Hello folks,
I have noticed some (to me) weird behaviour of Gretl (1.9.11, build date
2012-11-21, running on Windows 7).
After I've fitted a model using the "Ordinary Least Squares..." feature, I
have a window called "gretl: model 1".
I go to the File menu and choose "Save As". Then I choose "Comma separated"
and press OK.
I want my file to be called "data.csv" so I type that in the box next to
"Name:" and I press enter.
But instead Gretl creates a file called "data.csv.rtf".
Sure, it's minor and otherwise gretl is great :o)
best wishes
Billiejoe Charlton
11 years, 11 months
by Leandro Zipitria
Dear Gretl community:
is there any way to obtain a specific quantile of a given series. By now
there is a function for the media and the median, but is there any way to
obtain the 80% of the distribution, or the first quantile?
11 years, 11 months
aggregate by
by ahmadou dicko
I want to thank again all Gretl developpers for this wonderful software.
I try to port some of my R code into Gretl and I miss few things.
For example, what is the easiest way to perform some aggregate operation in
Gretl like :
- aggregate(x, by = y, FUN) in R
- egen z = FUN(x), by(y); in Stata
It looks like I miss something in the documentation.
Thanks again
Ahmadou H. DICKO
Data scientist and applied economist
PhD student in Climate change economics
Faculty of economics and managment - Cheikh Anta Diop University
West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adaptated Land
Center for Development Research (ZEF) - University of Bonn
twitter : @dickoah
skype : dicko.ahmadou.h
tel : 33 827 55 16
11 years, 12 months
question: changing the fonts
by Pindar
how is it possible to add fonts to this list ?
(gretl on windows)
There is a button for 'more fonts', but I don't quite understand why it
opens the control panel and how to add then a font.
11 years, 12 months
Define new variable in the GUI
by Logan Kelly
I am running Gretl 1.9.11 on Win 7 64 bit
Question about the GUI:
When I execute
Save/Define New Variable (in a model tab after executing OLS) and input in the text box:
scalar b1=$coeff(IAU)
Everything works fine, but when after running OLS I execute Add/ Define New Variable (in the main window) and input in the text box:
scalar b1=$coeff(IAU)
I get the following error message:
Invalid argument for function
'IAU': invalid argument for $coeff()
Is this expected behavior?
11 years, 12 months
Defining Panel Data
by Ramler, Joe
Hello All,
I am ex-Stata user trying to work my way into gretl - though slowly. I have a panel data set in Excel for 56 state counties (identified by a unique county code 01 - 56) over 51 years (annual data 1990 - 2040). I seem to be able to load the data set into gretl and get it to recognize the panel nature of the data, but I can't seem to get it to acknowledge the labels for those years (i.e. 1990 - 2040) when using commands such as gnuplot for graphing.
For example, when I load the data into gretl, it recognizes the panel as "Panel: Full range 1:01 - 56:51". When I restrict the full data set to say two counties and graph them (using "gnuplot County1 County2 -time-series -with-lines") the data are plotted on a graph with an x-axis scale from 1-51 instead of 1990 - 2040. How can I get it to recognize the data as that will create x-axis labels in -time-series graphs automatically with the respective dates rather than the periods 1 - 51?
Thank you for your time on this!
12 years
Packages and the GUI
by Logan Kelly
Is there an easy way to integrate a package into the GUI. I would like to develop package for my MBA stats course that automates some of the procedures they use, e.g. calculate a prediction interval after running OLS, etc. It would be nice if I could give them a package to install that would add these functions to the GUI menu, but I am not sure how big this project would be.
Logan J. Kelly, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Director, UWRF Center for Economic Research, http://www.uwrf.edu/cer
Section Editor, Global Business and Economics Review, http://www.inderscience.com/gber
23 D South Hall
College of Business and Economics
University of Wisconsin - River Falls
410 S. Third Street
River Falls, WI 54022-5001
12 years