zeromiss with lists
by Pindar
Hi there,
in this little function 'zeromiss' is applied to a list and a new list
is returned.
Ok so far, but it is possible to overwrite the already existing series
or to apply the original labels to the new series?
function list zeroNA(list variables)
list X = null
loop foreach i variables -q
series $i = zeromiss(variables.$i)
X+= $i
return X
end function
11 years, 10 months
isnan problem
by artur tarassow
Hi all,
The following generates recheck=0 but I think it should be 1 (at least to
the function description):
scalar check = NA
recheck = isnan(check)
11 years, 10 months
panel estimation based on restricted sample
by artur tarassow
Hey everybody,
I've got a panel data set including data for several countries over time.
In a first stage I run a RE-estimation based on the full sample. Next I
want to estimate the same model for a single country by restricting the
smpl country="UK" --restrict --replace
panel Y const X --random-effects
But gretl states "This estimator requires panel data". Instead, this works:
smpl country="UK" --restrict --replace
setobs ID year --panel-vars
panel Y const X --random-effects
Fine so far. Since I want to add all country-specific estimations (for
several dependent variables) into a single table (modeltab), I include the
code into a loop function, but unfortunately the "setbobs"-command does not
work within a loop environment.
Does anyone have a solution to solve this issue, or would it be possible to
allow the "setobs"-command to work within a loop-function?
11 years, 10 months
Re: [Gretl-users] Gretl mode for ESS
by ahmadou dicko
I built a minimal support for Gretl in ESS based on Julia mode and
gretl.el (Thanks to Vitalie and Allin works).
But It still lacks a lot of functionality (indentation, autocompletion,
etc) so there are rooms for improvement and I'll be happy to help to
have a full functional Gret mode in ESS.
(Sorry to cross post in ESS mailing list and Gretl list)
On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 3:14 PM, Rasmus <rasmus(a)> wrote:
> Vitalie Spinu <spinuvit(a)> writes:
> > I am pretty convinced now that gretl would be a nice addition to ESS,
> > especially in the light of it being GNU licensed.
> Gretl is nice, and I guess somewhat focused on 'econometric'
> applications. The documentation is very good, and even though I
> mainly use R I have some times used the Gretl documentation.
> To me it feels Stata-ish in the way commands are inputted, but I could
> be, and probably am, entirely wrong.
> I would love to see ESS support, which would make it more accessible.
> Cheers,
> Rasmus
> --
> . . . Stallman was indeed the tallest possible mountain and by
> standing on his shoulders you could see forever. . .
Ahmadou H. DICKO
Data scientist and applied economist
PhD student in Climate change economics
Faculty of economics and managment - Cheikh Anta Diop University
West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adaptated Land
Center for Development Research (ZEF) - University of Bonn
twitter : @dickoah
skype : dicko.ahmadou.h
tel : 33 827 55 16
11 years, 11 months
scripted creation of seasonal dummies
by Sven Schreiber
a quite simple question actually: is there a one-liner that adds
seasonal dummies to the workfile in a script, similiar to the one-click
option in the GUI?
What I have is a loop like this (untested BTW):
loop i=1..$pd
series dum$i = ($obsminor==$i)
But there must be a shorter way I guess.
11 years, 11 months
dummify with list and script output window
by Pindar
I noticed that between command and function is a major difference:
dummify dList -> works with a list
dummify(dList, NA) -> only one series accepted
In terms of the script output window I think what would be a
nice-to-have is the option that as soon as output is added the window
goes to the front.
This is not always intended and could be annoying, but sometimes
(especially if one likes the eval command) this would come in handy.
11 years, 11 months
(no subject)
by Manny B
Hi guys,
when estimating GARCH or OLS I noticed that under option "Display actual, fitted, residual", Gretl automatically denotes (with *) residuals in excess of 2.5 standard errors. Is it possible to implement the same in VAR/VECM? This really can speed up the process of model estimation.
11 years, 11 months
BUG deleting a nonexisting list
by Pindar
Hi there,
there is a major bug: deleting a nonexisting lists leads to deleting the
last series of the dataset!
(snapshot on W8)
open chard.gdt
list inter delete
11 years, 11 months