gnuplot: set pointtype
by artur tarassow
I would like to set the point type for a simple scatter plot, but it does
not work. I've got something like:
gnuplot XY --output=display { set pointtype 1 ; }
Instead, the option "pointsize" works, but not pointtype.
Is there a simple workaround available?
11 years, 9 months
boxplot command flexibility
by artur tarassow
Dear gretl programmers,
at the moment it is not possible to set further plotting options using the
Would it possible to allow more flexibility for the user such as
"{ set title '' ; }" or "set grid" "set ylabel" etc.?
11 years, 9 months
vector autoregressive
by aymen kaabi
good evening
i have a problem with gretl_var.
first with the function ar_model i can specify the lags
FOR EXAMPLE: Yt= Yt-3 + Y t-2 + Yt-6 +CONST but with gretl I CAN'T i
just enter the lag order .
HOW can i specify the lags .
my project work personalized lags please answer me .
thanks for all
11 years, 9 months
error message: cURL error 7 (Couldn't connect to server)
by artur tarassow
Hi all,
for some days now, I cannot access the function-package server anymore.
This happens both on Linux and Windows (using current cvs). The error
message I obtain is:
"cURL error 7 (Couldn't connect to server)"
11 years, 9 months
Coeffiicent Wald Tests across equations for individual coefficents (within SUR)
by Jan Tille
Dear gretl users,
I have a questions regrding coefficient wald tests.
I have estimated a SUR system (20 equations) and now I would like to conduct Wald tests for individual coefficients across different equations.
I know that I can use the restrict command e.g.
restrict "System"
end restrict
estimate "System" method=sur
which yields an F-test at the end.
However, I want to conduct the tests for several equations (14 out of 20) each with 8 coefficients, which would require a lot of individual restricitons.
Therefore, I asked myself, whether I could obtain the same results using
where S(diff) =sqrt(S(b[1,2])^2+S(b[1,2])^2)
Unfortunately, the results between the two tests differ (even if I square the t-statistic).
Finally, I am looking for a way, to calculate the wald tests, without manually respecifying the every single restriction.
Thanks in advance.
11 years, 10 months
Magnitude of VAR shocks
by Gabriela Nodari
Dear Gretl Users,
I was wondering if there is the possibility to change the magnitude of a
given structural shock within a SVAR framework. By default, Gretl calculate
IRFs based on a one-standard deviation shock. Can I change this magnitude?
11 years, 10 months
ADF by OLS manually
by yinung@Gmail
Dear All,
I occasionally tried the following script to run ADF OLS manually. However,
it is found the commands for DF and ADF1 as follow are ok but not for ADF2.
open data3-6
#ADF by OLS manually
DF <- ols diff(Yt) const Yt(-1)
ADF1 <- ols diff(Yt) const Yt(-1) diff(Yt_1)
ADF2 <- ols diff(Yt) const Yt(-1) diff(Yt_1) diff(Yt_2)
I know that it formally should be execute before these ols commands:
lags 2; Yt
But this looks like Yt_1 has been generated internally since the script
like this does not work:
ADF1 <- ols diff(Yt) const Yt(-1) diff(Y(-1))
I am not asking any revision. Just curious. Thanks.
Yi-Nung Yang
11 years, 10 months
Gretl Help
by Antti Erkkison
Hi, sorry for this e-mail, but I have not found any other way to find this
I am an economics student from Finland that are using Gretl, and finding it
useful tool to analyze data.
We were wondering if Gretl had a function for dividing groups into low and
high respondents, in other word we want to test a part of a population (in
OLS) who have marked the highest scores in a survey. We want to test this
against other answers in the same survey, but are in doubt that Gretl
understands that person 1 is the same person when we change the order of
respondents by sorting them in the dependent value and then setting the
range to half of the population .
I would really appreciate an answer, thank you.
Best regards
Antti Erkkison
11 years, 10 months
A time series plot produces an error
by yinung@Gmail
Dear All,
I use the attached file: ex-IBM-2004-09.gdt. It then generated an error (as
shown below) when I tried to have a time-series plot with any variables in
that file.
I tried other "daily data" like djclose.gdt but no such error.
This error can be replicated in gretl 1.9.12 and 1.9.12cvs.
I just tried the version of 1.9.11 (under winXP). It seemed OK with the
same time series plotting.
Yi-Nung Yang
===== error message =====
set xrange [1.797693135e+308:1.797693135e+308]
"/home/yinung/.gretl/gpttmp.05Vd0T", line 19: undefined value
11 years, 10 months