vector autoregressive
by aymen kaabi
hello everybody
what does it gretl_cholesky_decomp_solve: dpotrf failed with info = 2 (n =
5) <gretl-users(a)>
is it an error or a rule of var
11 years, 10 months
by Gabriela Nodari
Dear all,
I have notice a great difference between the fevd matrices of the Var
estimated via model -> time series -> var and the Svar estimated via
Someone could help me to understand why is it so?
Thank you
11 years, 10 months
gnuplot: set pointtype
by artur tarassow
I would like to set the point type for a simple scatter plot, but it does
not work. I've got something like:
gnuplot XY --output=display { set pointtype 1 ; }
Instead, the option "pointsize" works, but not pointtype.
Is there a simple workaround available?
11 years, 10 months
boxplot command flexibility
by artur tarassow
Dear gretl programmers,
at the moment it is not possible to set further plotting options using the
Would it possible to allow more flexibility for the user such as
"{ set title '' ; }" or "set grid" "set ylabel" etc.?
11 years, 10 months
R 15.3 and Gretl crashes other time
I'm trying to open R 2.15.3 from Gretl, but I get the message "Failed to an
external command". When I worked with my old Windows XP I had the same
problem and the list suggested me, with older R versions, to look for the
file RSetReg and doing dobule-click in it the problem was solved.
I have seen that for Windows 7 the suggestion was the same, loogking for
the RSetReg in C\program files\R\R-2.15.3\bin\x64,...but when I done
doble-click the problem...was not solved....
I don't know if the problem is the current R version...or I'm doing
something wrong.
Any idea about how to solve??
Thanks in advance
José Perles
University of Alicante
11 years, 10 months
vector autoregressive
by aymen kaabi
good evening
i have a problem with gretl_var.
first with the function ar_model i can specify the lags
FOR EXAMPLE: Yt= Yt-3 + Y t-2 + Yt-6 +CONST but with gretl I CAN'T i
just enter the lag order .
HOW can i specify the lags .
my project work personalized lags please answer me .
thanks for all
11 years, 10 months