Function to get the powerset
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Gretl Community,
I really stuck trying to define a function that gives a power set of a
set. Suppose I have a set S:
S = {"A", "B", "C"}
The associated power set, P(S), is:
P(S) = {{ }, {"A"}, {"B"}, {"C"}, {"A", "B"}, {"A", "C"}, {"B", "C"},
{"A", "B", "C"}}
All that I can think by now (shame on me!) is this:
strings S = defarray("A", "B", "C")
scalar P_S_len = 2^nelem(S) # the size of the power set
strings P_S = array(P_S_len) # an array with 8 spaces.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Henrique Andrade
6 years, 4 months
Nonlinear Time Series
by Agustin Alonso
Dear Sirs:
During the past 2 years I have not used Gretl, because of that, I would like
to know if the package has now the facilities for studing nonlinear time
Thanking you for your attention, I am
Sincerely yours
Agustin Alonso
Prof. of Econometrics
Real Centro Universitario "Escorial-Maria Cristina"
San Lorenzo de El Escorial(Madrid) Spain
8 years
Building Gretl on MacOS
by Henrique Andrade
Dear Gretl Community,
I'm trying for the first time build Gretl on my MacOS. When I execute the
command ./configure I get an error:
"Please install GMP and then reconfigure gretl.
GMP is available from"
I already have GMP installed (using Brew). How can I fix this?
Henrique Andrade
8 years, 2 months
Visualization of an ordered probit Modell
by J. I.
Hey Gretl-Users,
I am kind of a noob in econometrics. For my thesis I had to run a
regression to determine why people use some spacial product.
My AV is dicrete but ranged (3 steps). So I choosed the ordered porbit
regression and calculated the MEMs. (could not find a way for AMEs)
All results are fine and there was no problem to interpret them.
And now - my question:
I tried to put all Information from the Gretl Output into a grafic (I
will attach it)
May you can take a minute an tell me, if it makes sense.
As I mentioned, I am a newbie - so excuse if this is stupid...
You need to know: there are 3 categories but two (the red ones) are the
"User" and one (green one) "Nonuser". The circles should represent that.
Sizes (boxes and circles) should represent the total data "n=369".
The 3 Output-categories are the boxes in the circles. MEP-Int and
MEP-Gel (User) MEP-Nicht (Nonuser). Darker ones are the "Pr=" values for
the each Output in the first line of the MEMs-Output. As I know, these
are the predicted probabilitys for each Output, if all regressors are
held at their means... The lighter ones are the "true" observed data.
Same for the circles. Darker ones for the Output and lighter ones for
the observed Data.
I my thesis I want to argue, that the prediction just separates the user
and nonuser, but cant distinguish between the to usergoups too good....
Than I am up to go further and put some more information to the
regression (information i just got of the users) an do another ordered
probit with just the two user-Output... an the new model is quite good.
I would apprechiate an answer very much. Please excuse my floppy
english. Its next to 1 am - and I doing thesis for 2 month day and night
best gegards J.I.
8 years, 2 months
using open and outfile with strings
by Matteo Pelagatti
Hi again,
now I cannot solve this simple problem. Is it possible to open data
files with "open" or create a text file with "outfile" using an already
defined string with path and file name?
Something like
string pf = "c:/path/file.ext"
open pf
outfile pf
(this does not seem to work)
Thanks in advance,
Matteo Pelagatti
Dipartimento di Economia, Metodo Quantitativi e Stretegie di Impresa
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8
20126 Milano
Tel +39 02 6448.5834
8 years, 2 months
FEVD graphs using code
by Matteo Pelagatti
Dear Gretlers,
is there a way to produce the stacked-bars Forecast Error Variance
Decomposition (after having estimated a VAR or VECM) using the code?
I can read the gnuplot code that generates the graph, but I cannot
obtain the Gretl code that produces the gnuplot code.
Thanks and all the best,
Matteo Pelagatti
Dipartimento di Economia, Metodo Quantitativi e Stretegie di Impresa
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8
20126 Milano
Tel +39 02 6448.5834
8 years, 2 months
error pdfdocs command when building Gretl from git
by cociuba mihai
Everything is ok after installing the texlive-fonts-extra package.
@Clive - I think that a video tutorial could be a great help for average
users (like me).
Thank you all for your help.
"Speaking as somebody who pissed off the entire list last year with my
running commentary on a whole litany of -gretl- installation issues via
Linux, try this and see if it works, assuming a clean install from scratch:
sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended
sudo rm -rf gretl-git
git clone git:// gretl-git
cd gretl-git
sudo apt-get build-dep gretl
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-quiet-build --enable-openmp
--enable-build-doc --disable-json
make -j3
make pdfdocs
cli/gretlcli -v
sudo make install
sudo /sbin/ldconfig
gretl &"
8 years, 3 months
error pdfdocs command when building Gretl from git
by cociuba mihai
When I build Gretl at the
"make pdfdocs"
I have the following error:
../lib/src/gretl_www.c:24:19: fatal error: build.h: No such file or
#include "build.h"
compilation terminated.
make[4]: *** [gretl_www.lo] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/acer/gretl-git/lib'
make[3]: *** [../../lib/] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/acer/gretl-git/doc/commands'
make[2]: *** [textables] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/acer/gretl-git/doc/tex'
make[1]: *** [tex] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/acer/gretl-git/doc'
make: *** [pdfdocs] Error 2
Any idea what may cause this error?
8 years, 3 months
Gretl export/import from Stata
by cociuba mihai
Dear Allin,
the mistake was mine, when I set the path to Stata in Programs it was to
"xstata", if I use "stata" it works perfectly.
The strange thing is that I didn't have any error message that Gretl and
Stata weren't communicating after all.
Thanks for your patience.
8 years, 3 months
Gretl export/import from Stata
by cociuba mihai
I am using Stata 12.0.
> The example works OK for me (but then it also worked before I made
> the latest change). Could it be something to do with Stata versions?
> I'm running Stata 12.1 -- what are you running?
8 years, 3 months