Panel data
I want to ask several question about panel data in gretl.
I currently working on my thesis that use panel data. I have already tested
my data to choose the right models (pooled/fixed/random). My model is fixed
effect models. Then I want to test its normality and heteroscedasticity.
I have tried to click on test > heteroscedasticity > groupwise. My model is
suffered the heteroskedasticity problem. So I tried to rectify my model
from heteroskedasticity by ticking the robust standard error arellano. But
by model still suffer of heteroskedasticity problem. So what should I do?
And about normality my model is not distributed normaly but I don't know
how to rectify it in gretl
Hope you may give a solution to my problem. Thank you in advance
Silviana Gunarsih Santoso
6 years, 6 months
Importing weekly data: bug?
by Matteo Pelagatti
Hi Gtretlers
I am trying to assign a date to weekly data. The guided import procedure
asks me how I want to name the week (Daily date to represent week), I
select "Monday" and than the following window appears:
I guess that 664903 is the internal representation of the date, but I
would have expected something like "2006-01-02".
Is this a bug, or I am missing something?
Matteo Pelagatti
Department of Economics, Management and Statistics
University of Milano-Bicocca
Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8
20126 Milano
Tel +39 02 6448.5834
6 years, 6 months
windows gnuplot
by Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
a PhD student here just reported the most bizarre problem: if you try this
nulldata 20
setobs 5 1960-01-01
x = normal()
gnuplot 2 --time-series --output=display
on linux, everything is fine. On windows 8.1, gnuplot barfs out an error.
However, if you change the starting date to 1970-01-01, everything is ok.
(This is gretl 2018a with gnuplot 5.2 patchlevel 4)
I have an idea on what may be wrong here, but I'd like people who use
windows to confirm if they see the bug too.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)
6 years, 6 months
by Andreas Zervas
Dear all,
I am sending this email because lately I have observed changes in the way gretl interacts with octave. I am attaching a simple program for illustrative purposes. I think that such a program should work in any case.
I think it works in linux with no problems (based on earlier experience with more detailed programs to produce graphs).
The issue is that I was able to run this program under windows 7 with earlier gretl and octave versions, in particular it works under gretl version up to 2016d and old octave versions - works with octave 3.4.3. However, under win 7 it does not work with late octave versions - does not work with octave 4.2.1.
In any case, I cannot make it work under win 10, no matter which version of gretl (I have used 1.9.92, 2016d, 2017d) and octave (3.4.3, 4.2.1) I use.
Could you take a look on this issue?
Kind regards,
Andreas Zervas
P.S. I originally started coding with octave because gretl does not offer a facility to produce subplots (graphpage is an imperfect substitute, and accepts only up to 8 graphs I think, while scatters accepts only one variable on each graph). I also did not like the idea of learning another language just to plot, when I am familiar with matlab / octave. Any plans for such a feature?
6 years, 6 months