Re: MPI and printing to display
by Sven Schreiber
Am 20.06.2019 um 22:22 schrieb Logan Kelly:
> flush did not seem to work inside an mpi block, but I will try again.
> I am just wanting the computer to print something ever so often, so I
> can tell if it is still progressing.
Printing in general should just work, doesn't it for you? In principle
you could also cook up something where process ("rank") n sends a number
to the root process (rank 0) via mpisend(), and that number represents a
code for a particular message to be printed by the rank-0 process. But
probably overkill.
5 years, 8 months
Re: MPI and printing to display
by Artur Tarassow
Am 20.06.19 um 20:22 schrieb Logan Kelly:
> Hello,
> Is there a way to send a message to the display while executing a mpi
> block? I am not looking for anything fancy, just a rough way to keep
> track of progress.
Hi Logan,
not sure I fully get your issue, but the "flush" command help to print
stuff instantly?
5 years, 8 months
MPI and printing to display
by Logan Kelly
Is there a way to send a message to the display while executing a mpi block? I am not looking for anything fancy, just a rough way to keep track of progress.
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5 years, 8 months
regression analysis with panel data
I have to implement a panel data regression with MULTIPLE fixed effects, but from the gretl GUI I can only add by default only 1 fixed effect. Is there any possibility to add more than one?
5 years, 8 months
regression analysis with panel data
I have uploaded from excel my dataset which include one variable which is a panel data. Now I want to add a new dummy variable for which I need the function 'observation range dummy' from the 'Add' command, but unfortunately it is not avaiable, why?
5 years, 8 months
yahoo_get: new package version
by Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
This is a message for the users of the "yahoo_get" function package
(automatic downloader of daily data from the Yahoo finance site).
Yahoo changed their download API, so version 2.0 is not functional
anymore. If you use the package, please install version 3.0, that has just
been made available on the gretl server (and of course report bugs if
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)
5 years, 8 months
OT: Eviews crash
by Sven Schreiber
Hello everybody,
usually I'm reporting gretl bugs and errors, and over the years I've run
into a fair number of them. Just yesterday I was thinking that recently
those events seem to happen less often (knock on wood).
So right now I'd just like to mention that I was trying something in
Eviews 10 as a cross-check, and it crashed on me twice in an apparently
reproducible way.
Just sayin'
5 years, 8 months
Re: wait function/command?
by Artur Tarassow
Hi Logan, check the sleep() function.
Am 16.06.19 um 21:10 schrieb Logan Kelly:
> Hello all,
> Is there a way to ask gretl to wait a period of time before executing
> the next line of code?
5 years, 8 months
Re: wait function/command?
by Sven Schreiber
Am 16.06.2019 um 21:10 schrieb Logan Kelly:
> Hello all,
> Is there a way to ask gretl to wait a period of time before executing
> the next line of code?
Not directly, AFAIK. If you're still in the context of external
programs, note perhaps the following:
"When ! is used, the external command is executed synchronously. That
is, gretl waits for it to complete before proceeding. If you want to
start another program from within gretl and not wait for its completion
(asynchronous operation), use launch instead."
5 years, 8 months