Re: dotdir (but now it is a Gnuplot + Windows issue?)
by Ioannis A. Venetis
Hi all,
Is it possible to change (set) the dotdir directory (gretl uses for
temporary files) as it is possible with workdir through the set command?
I don't think so, but why would you want to do that?
Aha. Ok I thought so.
Well, I was getting and i still get an error (or gretl crash) when I run
in console or script several gnuplot --fit options.
The problem is not there when i use the gretl plot controls.
open AWM18.gdt
gnuplot YER --time-series --with-lines --fit=quadratic --output=display
I get the error
"C:\Program Files\gretl\wgnuplot.exe"
"C:\Users\Venetis\AppData\Roaming\gretl\gpttmp.MI60R0": exit code 1
I erroneously thought that maybe it is not possible for gretl to write
the temporary file in my temporary folder in windows.
But on a second check with Gnuplot and the temporary graphics file I
found that an odd character appears in gpttmp.MI60R0
(it is bolded by me below). When i manually change the character into s
then Gnuplot produces the png file.
# plot includes automatic fit: quadratic
plot \
'-' using 1:2 notitle w lines, \
730331.8313 + 7484.777486*(4.0*(x-1970)+1) +
-3.906286399*(4.0*(x-1970)+1)**2 title "Y = 7.30e+005 + 7.48e+003t -
3.91t^2" w lineû
Thanks Sven
4 years, 3 months
Save a MLE model
by Filipe Costa
I was trying to estimate a state space model, using MLE and I noticed that even though these can be saved to the session some models are lost when reopening the session. In the example below I'm trying to save the MLE estimation to the session with the name "model1", which is successful but then it's lost at reopening.
Any thoughts on why this happens and on an alternative to save the session?
nulldata 200
set seed 101010
setobs 1 1 --special-time-series
/* set the true variance parameters */
true_s1 = 0.5
true_s2 = 0.25
/* and simulate some data */
v = normal() * sqrt(true_s1)
w = normal() * sqrt(true_s2)
mu = 2 + cum(v)
y = mu + w
/* starting values for variance estimates */
s1 = 1
s2 = 1
/* state-space model set-up */
bundle kb = ksetup(y, 1, 1, s1)
kb.obsvar = s2
kb.diffuse = 1
/* ML estimation of variances */
model1 <- mle ll = ERR ? NA : kb.llt
ERR = kfilter(&kb)
params kb.statevar kb.obsvar
end mle
/* compute the smoothed state */
series muhat = kb.state
4 years, 3 months