gretl, downloading windows version
by g s
Hi Allin
Thanks for responding.
Okay, -now- hopefully a new thread.
Now clicking on "gretl for Windows", and getting to the page that goes to, I see gretl_install-64.exe there. Was that recently added?
Should the release date for 64 say "latest release (May 21, 2024)" or should that be June 2, 2024?
On Sun, 9 Jun 2024, g s wrote:
Gene: First, I hope I got this on a new thread. If not, I'll try again.
Allin: You're fine.
Gene: Thanks very much for pointing out where to get the 64 bit version. I'm not an experienced sourceforge user, so I wouldn't know that I have to go to the projects / files / snapshots page or to the file listing / snapshot page to get to the most up to date versions.
Allin: That's an option, but you don't have to go there.
Gene: When I go to the gretl main page the second option on the left side listing is "gretl for Windows", so that's where I go to get gretl.
Allin: That's perfectly OK. The snapshot downloads linked there (64- and 32-bit) are the same as in the files / snapshots area, it's just a different interface. The "gretl for Windows" page allows us to add a little guidance, as opposed to the "raw" listing under "files", so I'd say it's actually the recommended place to go.
7 months, 1 week
gretl, sum by categorical value
by g s
Now that I'm using the 64 version, is sum by categorical variable still only available through Tools / Gretl console, using this command?
matrix m =aggregate(population, AreaRegion, sum)
Is the sum, with all digits, available through the drop down menu?
7 months, 1 week
Gretl: means by categorical variable
by g s
Hi all
I have a report about free to use menu based statistical software.
Free To Use Statistical Software: Comparing Statistical Analyses
This paper compares some basic analysis (frequencies, means by groups, correlations, OLS regression) among the different programs to make sure they all have the same results.
I'm looking to add gretl, using the menu version.
I found frequencies. Highlight variable of interest, then Variable and then Frequency Distribution.
I'd like to do a means table, means of a continuous variable for each category in a categorical variable. I haven't found how to do that yet.
I have a csv version of the data set here
One variable is population, which is population by country. Another variable is region, that is, world region. All of the countries are included in some region. How do I get mean population by world region?
7 months, 1 week