Dear Dr. Diaz-Emparanza:
Thanks very much for updating the website. I was wondering if I will
have a choice regarding not to publish my paper online or in the
proceedings. It is possible that with extensions my paper will be
published in a high ranking journal later but I don't know it yet.
P.S.: By the way, is my addressing you above correct?
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza
<ignacio.diaz-emparanza(a)> wrote:
El Thursday 15 January 2009 11:33:47 Talha Yalta escribió:
> > The gretl Conference Organizing Comitte has just decided to extend
> > the deadline for paper submissions to January 30, 2009.
> I was not aware of that decision :-)
> This is actually good news for me because I can use a few extra days
> to finish my paper entitled "Wilkinson Tests and Gretl."
> I have two quick questions:
> 1)- Will there be a proceedings of the conference?
Yes. We plan to publish a book with the proceedings (with ISBN).
> 2)- Will you put the submitted papers on the Internet? I am planning a
> major revision for mine over the next months so I don't want it made
> availabe.
Not inmediately. The proceedings will be published on paper for the conference
and on internet when the Conference be finished. We will allow a slightly
modified version of the paper for the moment we edit the proceedings (March?)
> Finally, could you revise my institution name on the webpage so that
> it reads: "TOBB University of Economics and Technology"?
Sorry, "Bug fixed".
Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza
Avda. Lehendakari Aguirre, 83 | 48015 BILBAO
T.: +34 946013732 | F.: +34 946013754
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