Dear Gretl Community,
I'm estimating a Threshold VAR model (TVAR) like this:
*Y(t) = X(t-1) + e1(t); if z(t-d)>=tau*
*Y(t) = X(t-1) + e2(t); if z(t-d)<tau*
Until now I was able to determine the delay parameter (*d*) and the
threshold value (*tau*). But I can't see how to estimate it with the
command. Using RATS software with *australia.gdt* data I did:
<RATS commands>
system(model=regime1) 1 to 3
variables PAU IAU E
lags 1
deterministic constant
system(model=regime2) 1 to 3
variables PAU IAU E
lags 1
deterministic constant
</RATS commands>
The line estimate(smpl=(z{d}>=tau)) tells RATS to estimate the VAR using
only the observations where the threshold variable (*z*) is equal or greater
than the threshold value (*tau*).
Could you please give some advice in order to "translate" these RATS code
into Gretl's scripting language?
Um abraço,
*Henrique C. de Andrade*
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul