Thank you for your reply!
Indeed, my uploaded file, which you can't open. I just copy text from file
here that you can read:
I want to build script (with loop programming) which will calculate just
entire profile likelihood function in Gretl. The other estimations I can
perform myself.
Here is my request formulated below:
# Model: TVECM (Threshold Vector Error Correction Model)
# Name of my variables: dependent variable - Y (Price on market
1); independent variables - X (Price on market 2) and ECT (Error correction
# My data sample runs from 2006:10 to 2014:08
# First, I need to generate variables "difference of Y", "difference of
"Lagged value of ECT", "lagged value of diff_Y", and "lagged
value of
# "Lagged value of ECT" is my threshold variable - Threshold value must
come from it.
# My final target is to *calculate the entire profile likelihood function
of ols regression and save results in a separate file* (let's say "LF.gdt")
# Below is my guess how the process must be solved. Could you adjust it to
my data and help me to complete it?
loop i=................. --progressive --quiet
genr ...........................
ols ...............................
genr LF = $lnl
store "C:\.....\.....\......\LF.gdt" LF
On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti <
r.lucchetti(a)> wrote:
On Mon, 18 May 2015, Miranda Svanidze wrote:
> I am new here.
> My problem is following: I want to calculate entire profile likelihood
> function (and then find maximum value) in order to find threshold estimate
> and run TVECM model. Therefore I want to build script (with loop
> programming) which will calculate just entire profile likelihood function
> in Gretl. The other estimations I can perform myself.
> Here is my request formulated below:
> # Model: TVECM (Threshold Vector Error Correction Model)
> # Name of my variables: dependent variable - Y (Price on market
> 1); independent variables - X (Price on market 2) and ECT (Error
> correction
> term)
> # My data sample runs from 2006:10 to 2014:08
> # First, I need to generate variables "difference of Y", "difference
> X",
> "Lagged value of ECT", "lagged value of diff_Y", and "lagged
value of
> diff_X"
> # "Lagged value of ECT" is my threshold variable - Threshold value must
> come from it.
> # My final target is to *calculate the entire profile likelihood function
> of ols regression and save results in a separate file* (let's say
> "LF.gdt")
> # Below is my guess how the process must be solved. Could you adjust it to
> my data and help me to complete?
> ------------script----------------
> loop i=2006:10..2014:08 --progressive --quiet
> genr
> ols
> genr LF = $lnl
> store "C:\.....\.....\......\LF.gdt" LF
> endloop
> Thank you!
> Kind regards,
> Miranda
I'm sorry, you'll have to be more explicit that this. Posting your
complete script would be much better; from what you posted I don't
understand what you're trying to do, let alone what the problem is.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)
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