The assertion holds true!
It's just the xtabond2 always reports two-step Sargan test even after a
one-step estimation and vice versa.
In terms of Difference-in-Sargan coding I'd like to point out, that in
the coming 'name space of non-standard models' an accessor for the
number of instruments should be present too.
Thanks for the many comments and advice!
01.07.2013 04:10, Allin Cottrell:
On Sun, 30 Jun 2013, Pindar wrote:
> I'm still struggling with the dpanel methodology and the comparison of
> results to e.g. Stata.
> First, the Sargan test statistics reported by GRETL are equivalent to the
> ones of Arellano and Bond (1991) Sargan tests.
Yes; and in most cases they are identical with those produced by
Ox/DPD. In gretl we use the formula given in the DPD manual to
compute the Sargan test -- maybe this should be given in the User's
> The assertion that the Sargan test of GRETL is the Hansen test in xtabond
> seems not to be true for *xtabond2*.
In some cases the assertion holds true, maybe not in others.
> GRETL values are always closer to the Sargan tests of Roodman reported in
> Roodman (2006). What is the Hansen test then?
Ask Roodman, or another Stata guru. I don't know. It's not
adequately documented in the xtabond2 PDF file.
> In Baltagi (2005) I found a xtabond output. Here the results for GMM-Diff
> one-step estimates are the same as of gretl and the Sargan test fits too
> (note, here is only a Sargan test is reported in the output).
> Strange in this comparison: In GRETL the two-step estimators are far away
> from the one-step coefficients and completely different to the ones reported
> in Baltagi (p. 157).
This is a case where the "A" matrix is singular and so -- as
explained in the Gretl User's Guide -- all bets are off. Gretl and
Ox/DPD do the same thing (generalized inverse, Moore-Penrose). Stata
apparently does something else, we don't know what.
> Another questions is how to perform the
> Difference-in-Sargan/Hansen tests in GRETL (as reported in
> xtabond2)?
At this point you'd have to code that yourself.
Allin Cottrell
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