The exercise is interesting. If I understood User's guide correctly, {gnuplot options}
is for single gnuplot command. In native gnuplot scripts it goes set multiplot plots
unset multiplot
To be honest, I don't quite understand why it is important
to do the whole thing in gretl script window:
Gretl generates convenient template gnuplot scripts.
Than one can polish options.
--- Оригінальне повідомлення ---
Від кого: "Sven Schreiber" < svetosch(a) >
Дата: 11 травня 2014, 14:32:51
Am 10.05.2014 23:59, schrieb Javier Sansa:
gnuplot BE_1_10_11 BE_1_10_12 BE_1_10_13 --time-series --with-lines
--output=display \
{ set multiplot layout 3,1 rowsfirst downwards; set autoscale ; set
title 'AA'; }
It works till i get to lhe last command.
It would be helpful to see the error message or what exactly does not
work here.
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