You forgot the constant.
On 12/14/2011 08:25 AM, clarodina(a) wrote:
Allin Cottrell,
The scatterplot with v1 on y axis and v2 on x axis gives y=17.9+0.0453x
Using ols v1 v2 OR ols v2 v1 gives 0.181744 and 5.49601 coefficient
which is different
the scatterplot
And the graph for selecting v1 against v2 fiitted vs obs is different
from the graph from the scatterplot
Wanted to save the residual against v2 from the scatterplot and have the
value on the gretl
How to do using GUI rather the command?
? m6 <- ols v1 v2
m6: OLS, using observations 1950-1954 (T = 5)
Dependent variable: v1
coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value
v2 0.181744 0.00306098 59.37 4.82e-07 ***
Mean dependent var 23.84800 S.D. dependent var 0.313321
Sum squared resid 3.223300 S.E. of regression 0.897678
R-squared 0.998867 Adjusted R-squared 0.998867
F(1, 4) 3525.337 P-value(F) 4.82e-07
Log-likelihood -5.997112 Akaike criterion 13.99422
Schwarz criterion 13.60366 Hannan-Quinn 12.94599
rho 0.620803 Durbin-Watson 0.419277
? m6 <- ols v2 v1
m6: OLS, using observations 1950-1954 (T = 5)
Dependent variable: v2
coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value
v1 5.49601 0.0925651 59.37 4.82e-07 ***
Mean dependent var 131.0220 S.D. dependent var 6.532206
Sum squared resid 97.47384 S.E. of regression 4.936442
R-squared 0.998867 Adjusted R-squared 0.998867
F(1, 4) 3525.337 P-value(F) 4.82e-07
Log-likelihood -14.52006 Akaike criterion 31.04012
Schwarz criterion 30.64955 Hannan-Quinn 29.99189
rho 0.635889 Durbin-Watson 0.420088
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