Since last week, i have had many crashes in gretl 1.7.5
windows. Particularly whenever i want to anlysis with ARIMA and VEC, i
encountered serious gretl crashes.
Another bug in gretl 1.7.5
is met during taking squares of variable(s) from the ADD menu, When one
wants to take square, the ADD menu gives logarithms of variable(s).
For future versions, is it possible to begin logit/probit
with "show p values" as default instead of "show slopes at
Let me thank you for presenting us this excellent
B Miran
On Tue, 8 Jul 2008, Sven
Schreiber wrote:
> With the snapshot dated 7/7
Artur says his problems are gone.
> However, I just saw that
there's an even newer snapshot
> in place and in cvs
the log entry says "more session
> Should
yesterday's snapshot be avoided or what's
behind this?
Yesterday's snapshot should be mostly OK, but today's should be
better. I think we've figured out what's behind the
problems and have fixed most of the issues for
sessions. But we're also trying to ensure that
files can be salvaged to the greatest possible
I should note that if anyone has
"precious" session files that
can't be opened, repair
is possible. Gretl session files
are just
zipped collections of
XML files, so one can unzip them, repair
XML with a text
editor, re-zip them, and then open them OK.
convenient, of course, but possible if the content
can't be
easily reconstructed. Details available on request.
One outstanding issue is when a session file includes a data
that has an accented character in its name. This is very tricky
to handle in a portable, cross-platform manner. I'm working on
> I would like to suggest releasing
1.7.6 just for fixing this
> bug...
I agree.
> Allin.
mailing list
> Gretl-users(a)lists.wfu.edu
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