On Sat, 3 Aug 2013, Andreea Bolos wrote:
Thank you for your answers. I need to join 2 files and the
Key-matching is
NUMBER variable that is included in both files. Not all observations from
left-hand/inner will match with the ones from right-hand/outer. My
commands were:
"open /Users/andreea/Desktop/Test1Gretl.csv __quiet
join /Users/andreea/Desktop/Test2Gretl.csv CONTRTYPE __ikey=NUMBER
print __byobs"
The option-leader in gretl is two dashes (--), not two
underscores. In the first command the string "__quiet" is
simply ignored (which probably should count as a bug), but in
the join command, for which parsing is stricter, the
underscores will generate a syntax error.
Just in case you actually used dashes in your script, another
point to bear in mind is that in gretl variable names are case
sensitive, so the join cammand will fail unless the key
variable is really called NUMBER (all caps).
Allin Cottrell