This is a follow-up to my posting of January 9, in response to
Sung Jin Lim
The script I posted showed essentially the same results from
gretl and R (systemfit) for an SUR system, estimated (a)
without restrictions and (b) with restrictions and iterated.
However, I found that if I estimated the restricted system
_without_ iteration, the results from gretl and R differed
quite substantially.
This turned out to be due to a difference in the initial OLS
estimation: gretl initialized using unrestricted OLS, while
systemfit initializes with restricted OLS by default (though
it has an option to use unrestricted OLS).
I looked a bit further into this and decided that gretl's use
of unrestricted OLS in this context was not really consistent
(in the ordinary, non-econometric, sense of the word), since
when we do restricted 3SLS we initialize with restricted 2SLS.
I've therefore modified gretl's "system" command to use
restricted OLS when initializing for restricted SUR, but have
added an option to the "estimate" command, namely
--unrestrict-init, which gives you the old behavior.
This is in CVS and snapshots.
Allin Cottrell