On Mon, 15 Mar 2010, [ISO-8859-1] Patricio Cuar�n wrote:
Hello. I'm trying to implement the Gallego-Johnson method for
confidence intervals for the HP filter. The methodology is explained in
It appears they're plotting the 0.25 and 0.75 quantiles (they
don't state anywhere what confidence level they're using).
open fedstl.bin
# US real GDP
data gdpc96
smpl 1957:1 2001:04
scalar block = $nobs^{1/3}
series y = 100*log(gdpc96)
genr gap = hpfilt(y)
genr trend = y - gap
matrix A = {}
scalar n = 999
loop i=1..n --quiet
# create series as trend + resampled cycle/gap
boot_y = trend + resample(gap, block)
# apply filter to get bootstrap gap
boot_gap = hpfilt(boot_y)
A ~= {boot_gap}
A = A'
series gap_hi = quantile(A, 0.75)'
series gap_lo = quantile(A, 0.25)'
gnuplot gap_lo gap gap_hi --single-yaxis --with-lines \
--time --output=display
Allin Cottrell