On Wed, 2 Jul 2014, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti wrote:
On Wed, 2 Jul 2014, Sven Schreiber wrote:
>> The problem is unlikely to be the rank of your contraint matrix. If you
>> fill a 9x9 matrix with 36 zeros at random, the probability if it being
>> singular is zero (it shouldn't be difficult to prove this formally)
>> although of course the event is not impossible (nice example of an event
>> with 0 Lebesgue measure).
> Jack, I don't think this is true, for example the probability of getting
> a column with all (9) zeros by chance may be small, but certainly not
> zero if you allocate 36 zeros randomly. If I were good in combinatorics
> I could give you the exact numbers, but I'm not.
> Apart from that the constraints are not chosen at random. A line has
> measure zero in a plane, but still I can pick exactly points on the line.
> So I'm not saying the matrix is singular, but without further
> investigation/thinking I cannot rule out that it is.
You're absolutely right, my friend. After all, the number of ways you can put
n*(n-1)/2 zeros into a square matrix with n rows is finite, and some of those
do give rise to singular matrices, so yes, it isn't a Lebesgue 0. I stand
I believe Prob(one column is all zeros) = 9 * (1/9)^9 = 2.3e-08
when inserting 9 zeros at random; it would be higher for 36 zeros.