On Sat, 21 Jun 2014, Alecos Papadopoulos wrote:
Good afternoon.
I am running maximum likelihood using the script window.
I have the need to estimate a log-likelihood that has a different
functional form depending on whether the estimated value of the
variable(the residual) at each observation is lower or greater than zero.
In generic terms
if u_i <=0
mle logl_i = f(u_i, a, b)
mle logl_i = g(u_i, a, b)
where u_i = y_i - c0 - c1*x_1i - c_2*x_2i and the coefficients c0,
c1, c2 are also under estimation, together with the variance terms a,b
I am not sure how to write the mle command for this case.
it should be quite easy if you use functions:
function series f(series u, scalar a, scalar b)
end function
function series g(series u, scalar a, scalar b)
end function
function series loglik(series y, list X, matrix coef,
scalar a, scalar b)
series u = y - lincomb(X, coef)
series logl = (u>0) ? g(u, a, b) : f(u, a, b)
return logl
end function
mle ll = logl(y, X, coef, a, b)
coeff coef a b
end mle
Hope this helps!
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)