Dear all,
I found a possible (though minor) bug about setinfo within a user
defined function. Once a variable was generated in a user's function
with a description set by common "setinfo," the "setinfo" command
not work since the description of the corresponding variable will not
be CORRECTLY replaced.
See for example in the following script, the description of z is
always "myVariable=2" no matter what param is given.
function list myf(series y,scalar param)
sprintf sInfo "%s ver= %d",argname(y),1
series z=y*10
setinfo z -d @sInfo
sprintf sInfo "%s=%d",argname(y),param
series z=y*10
setinfo z -d @sInfo
list retlist=z
return retlist
end function
nulldata 10
setobs 1 1 --time-series
series myVariable=normal()
list mylist=myf(myVariable,2)
list mylist=myf(myVariable,1)