On Sun, 10 Jan 2016, oleg_komashko(a)ukr.net wrote:
Dear Sven,
Gretl supplies 2 possibilities to
get cross products (besides doing it by hand)
square() and list1^list2
suppose we have something like this
wage = beta_0+......+beta_i*age*(D_gender=0) +beta_j*age*(D_gender=1)
i.e. we want to understand whether wage depends on age differently
for different gender
While it is easy to create all one needs in the example above,,
in case of many levels square() will give nothing,
and list1^list2 will give too much.
Additionally, for, example stata have option
for, say x,c*d.i where d.i can have 3 or more values
Objections, in my opinion, should include
evidence why stata is wrong here
Dear Oleh,
the "xi:" construct in stata has its pros and cons.
What we do is work with lists, which makes everything different. For
example, we have the += and -= operators, which they don't have.
They are not wrong, nor are we. It's just a different mindset. If you like
stata better, please please please use stata.
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)