Here's a second comment.
On Wed, Jan 3, 2024 at 1:29 PM Meridiana GeoTopo
<meridianageotopo(a)> wrote:
? f
-3,92 5,43 -5,94 13,52
If I'm not mistaken, these "f" values, which enter into a calculation
in gretl, come from some third-party source. But note that the first
three values are given to only 3 significant digits (and the last one
to 4). That means that when you calculate with these numbers your
results will be good only to about 3 significant digits -- unless the
"true" values in the third-party source were 3.92000000000000,
5.43000000000000, and so on. To replicate a third-party precisely you
need the original data to maximal precision.
Allin Cottrell