Thanku sir, I have installed latest version of gretl. Now retobit works.
I have one more doubt regarding this. Is there any option of assumptions
checking (heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity etc.) in gretl for panel
tobit regression as available for simple panel fixed or random effects
On Fri 12 Feb, 2021, 8:11 PM Allin Cottrell, <cottrell(a)> wrote:
On Fri, 12 Feb 2021, mandeep kaur wrote:
> Sir, I am using gretl-2018a with retobit 0.9 version.
Hmm, retobit 0.9 dates from August 2020, but when gretl-2018a was
released there was no "--opg" option for the tobit command. This
problem should be resolved if you update to current gretl.
Allin Cottrell
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